
Is Psycology a good subject for 6th form?

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Hey I'm going to 6th form in september and wanted to know if Psycology is a good subject as I'm thinking of doing it. :)




  1. Hello,

    (ANS) I think Psychology is a rather technical subject as well as quite an abstract subject. Its also a broad subject area from pure cognitive analysis i.e. rats in cages) through to humanistic psychology which covers people like Sigmund Freud & Carl Young, Wilhelm Reich,etc. Psychology is a very fascinating subject though if your genuinely interested in people & what makes human beings tick deep down.

    **At the heart of Humanistic psychology is the concept of the human psyche which I find incredibly interesting, you will begin to see just how different human beings can be and why that is the case. How we are ALL shaped, molded & sculpted by our childhood & the family we grew up within. How life experiences make us who & what we are ultimately. i.e. the old nurture verses nature debate.

    **I think psychology can become a very mental or purely intellectual past time for studying.  It is often at risk of becoming rather removed from real life at times, i.e. the theory is fine but gets disconnected from practical daily reality. That's my main concern at this level. If you have a little more life experience behind you psychology can seem a little more relevant though. Its really down to just how interested you are in people and what motivates behavior.

    **Too me I think psychology should always have a relevance to our daily lives otherwise I would be questioning its ultimate value in society.

    Kind Regards Ivan.

    (I've spent many years studying humanistic psychology & am a trained counselor).

  2. Psychology has been the highlight of my life since I decided to take a course in it during my last year of high school.

    I majored on it all through college and am going to graduate school to study it.

    There is nothing cooler than studying what makes people tick.

    Beginner courses will inevitably focus a lot on the history of psychology, and then very basic research methods and themes.  It isn't until later courses that you hit the really juicy stuff, but even the introductory course will teach you that you can think of this entire world in terms of people's brains and the things they do.

    I recommend it highly, especially if the teacher/professor is good.  Take Psychology.

  3. In my opinion, psychology is NOT a good field of study. I know two people with a BA in psych and neither of them could get a job with that BA. They are both now either in pursuit of master's degrees or have one. The person that already has the MA is a teacher at a high school, the person chasing it is teaching at a local technical college. It just does not seem like there is much accesss to employment in this degree field. That surprises me considering how many crazy people there are in the world anymore.

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