
Is Queben an important part of Canada?

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Is Queben an important part of Canada?




  1. Quebec is just as important as every other province in Canada. Plus they add a great little cultural flavour to our country.

  2. I don't think many people would miss it if they started their own country.

  3. Yeah, it's important. I has about 30% of the population and gets about 70% of federal aid. Quebec's claim to fame has been its francophone roots - the laws in Quebec are not the same as the laws in the rest of Canada. They are based on the Napoleonic Code (guilty until proven innocent) rather than the British code (innocent until proven guilty).

    Quebec has recently pledged non-discrimination pacts with immigrants from other nations, mostly Muslim nations. It's going to be interesting to see how that plays out!

  4. (Quebec) Roughly 1/4 of the population, source of endless political debate and produces 50% of it's cultural output. I'd say yes.

    Edit: OldLady has it almost right. Civil law is different (a Civil Code instead of Common Law  --- same as Louisiana) but criminal and penal law is the same as all other provinces in Canada. You're innocent until proven guilty in Quebec as in any other common law jurisdiction.

  5. I feel it is shame that this is still being asked. I can't believe why in the world Quebec would want to separate from Canada. I am not a Canadian just an observation.

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