
Is Queen Elizabeth behind Princess Di's death?

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Dianna should have been more loyal to her husband. Perhaps mom thought so too.




  1. Diana had the right to pursue happiness after being cheated on her entire marriage. No I don't think The Queen was behind it,she is smart enough and old enough to know how the laws of karma work. Diana deserved the best and that wasn't  Charles or the Royals  by any means,only her boys.

  2. No, I don't believe in that conspiracy theory.

  3. It's an absurd conspiracy theory. Why then? Why there? Why, at all? The Queen is not so foolish or courageous as to take such a chance for so little gain.

  4. Yes she is responsible and its not Dianas fault. You obviously have no idea how **** she was treated by that old woman Elizavbeth or else you're just a pig who doesnt care!

    You people obviously have no idea the depths that Elizabeth hated Diana and with the chance Diana was pregnant with an Arabs child that must have infuriated Elizabeth even more. It is well in that Familys capability to commit murder as you well know.

  5. I'm sure Diana and the Queen irritated one another in equal amounts, but that doesn't mean by any stretch of the imagination that the Queen had her murdered.  

    There is no conspiracy, the survivor of the crash wore his seat belt, if Diana had done the same the chances are she would still be living today, that is the opinion of medics and doctors who saw her injuries.

    If it was a murder plot how was anyone involved, to know whether she would have buckled up or not?  

    Just leave the Queen alone to get on with what she does and stop trying to tarnish her reputation

  6. I do not think the Queen had anything to do with that accident or any other member of the Royal Family.  I think Dodi was a shady enough character that people were after him and Diana found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  7. all liza wants is to be left in peace so she can die with dignitay, and the knowledge that she did all she could for britain, but no one would listen, including lady dik

  8. not really aloud to talk all I can say is mmm

    D - DIED

    I - IN

    A - A

    N - NASTY


    ALSO  What did god say to Diana when he met her at the pearly gate?

    wipe that merc off ya face

  9. I don't think that she was behind it but then a part of me wouldn't want to know if she was. William and Harry have grown up to be great young men and they don't need to think or look at their grandmother like that. some things should but be buried. And your right she was no saint and neither was he, the marriage of Charles and Dianna was a sham but with how thing have gone for the royal family I think somethings should be forgiven and forgotten.

  10. You have to pinky swear not to tell anyone what I'm about to tell you, because I have documents that would shake the world if people knew. The answer to your question is...YES! The queen was behind Di's death!!! It goes way deeper than anyone ever knew. I can't even believe I am typing this. That's what a few beers will do. I don't care anymore. I can't live with this secret.

  11. Anything is possible.

  12. No,a drunk driver who was also taking medication was behind Dianas death

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