
Is RAISING taxes in this economy what's best for America or whats best for liberal and Democrats?

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You see, Democrats know that only the working class pay taxes. Their base on the otherhand is known for living off the sweat equity of the typical working American. SO in order to maintain their grip on their voter base they need to ensure their base is dependant on them for government jobs, welfare, food stamps, medicaid, free abortions clinics, public schooling, section 8 housing -- ALL ENGINEERED BY THE DEMOCRATS - to keep minorities down and as dependant as a crack w***e




  1. Listen, how is this country going to take care of the debt the republicans ran up. Raising taxes is not a good thing, but neither is the tremendous debt Bush put us in. Something has to be done, and I think the republicans have had their chance. Let's see what happens with the democrats. anything is better than trusting republicans with another 4 years.

    Liberals do not despise those things, we are all Americans, liberal and democrats. We are all in the same boat. If we work together without the insults and name calling then we should be able to compromise and come to an agreement, helping this country get back on it's feet. partisan politics is not good for America.

  2. Taking more from people who work has never been popular, if we had seen millions pulled out of the ghetto's and move on to become productive citizens, maybe people would support higher taxes, but I have not seen any change in 40 years, if anything more people have been consigned to lives that will end to soon. Higher taxes punish success and hard work, it is not how you encourage growth.

  3. Cons will always lose the argument on taxes because taxes were much higher during the Clinton years and much lower during the Bush years.  Which one had the largest economic expansion in US history with a balanced budget and which one went through 2 severe recessions with the largest deficits?

    Trickle down economics is a failed policy.  

  4. For someone who makes statements with such absolute conviction, you are astonishingly off the mark on a number of points of fact.

    This "question" is little other than a rant, but I'm going to answer it as well as I can any way.

    "Is RAISING taxes in this economy what's best for America or what's best for liberal and Democrats?"

    Raising taxes is what is best for America.  We can not continue the borrow and spend insanity of the current Administration.  We have become a debtor nation.  The last time we had a budget surplus, it was under a Democrat.  We now have record DEBT.

    I'm a parent.  I hope to have grandchildren soon.  I think it is entirely UN-AMERICAN to push debt onto the shoulders of those children and grandchildren so that I can live beyond my own means.  I would NEVER saddle my children with my personal debts.  Yet that is exactly what our government has been doing.  

    The first thing you have to do when you find that you have dug yourself into a hole is to put down the shovel and stop digging.  We need to end the war or at very least turn the financing of the war in Iraq over to the Iraqis.  The next thing to do is to fill the hole so that you can at least attempt to climb out.  That is going to take revenue.  Revenue, for a government, comes from Taxes and Fees.

    YES, raising taxes in this economy is going to be difficult.  So let's start by looking at whose bottom line has been at record highs.  The "good times" are not being shared by the majority of working class Americans, as your statements indicate.  The corporations that have been sending our jobs overseas and feeding record distributions to shareholders are doing quite well, in spite of the hard times most of us feel.  That's clearly a place where we could increase taxes without putting Mom and Pop Main Street out of business.

    Many of the claims you make about what a liberal wants are completely off the mark.  There is no "answer" to such nonsense, so I will not address it here.  Listening to someone misstate my beliefs is like rolling in nettles.  I wonder why it is that the people most filled with invective are most often the most seriously incorrect.

  5. It is not best for america,, it only helps the liberals.

  6. Deficit spending is even worse than tax and spend. McCain's proposed budget is bigger than Obama's and he'll just tack it all onto the national debt. We're getting to the point where we can't even sell our debt because nobody wants it. We need to balance the budget and start decreasing the debt, not increasing it, or we face financial collapse as a nation.

    Spending more than Obama and not raising taxes is just like making purchases on a credit card folks, you end up paying more in the long run when the interest comes due, then you have to raise taxes more than you would have in the first place.

  7. It sure is if you want to destroy the country.  Obama and his catering to the societal parasites will put us into a depression within 6 months.  

  8. You forgot the most important feature...encouragement of immoral behavior. That's their idea of freedom.

  9. You are a ranting spam machine today aren't you? Do you have any questions to ask or would you like to continue to spam this like a normal forum troll?

  10.   We should all know by now that tax increases hurt the economy and tax decreases help the economy. This is simple Economics 101. Thus the democrats must think that raising taxes will help them the way you explained, or the democrats are just plain stupid.

  11. You are all mixed up. that's what the republicans do.  look around you, dearie.

  12. According to the U.S. Census, 37.3 million people were living in poverty in 2007. 45.7 million (15.3 percent of the population) don't have health insurance—a staggering number that has risen by 6 million since Bush took office in 2001. And yet McCain extols Bush's economy and proposes his own policies that would sink our country further into debt.

    Obama and McCain Tax Proposals  

  13. Yup... They want to give to those who don't and take so much from those that do that those that do have the same standard of living as those that don't.

    Now we will all be equal.


  14. tom failed to mention rate of unemployment in the clinton years look it up you'll see that he caused more job loss than any republican!....

    you raise taxes on the employers and well, it will trickle down to the end user...period

  15. Em,,,,,you really should read more about everything.  Because you are quite wrong.

  16. I am not dependent on any of those things, but some peoples children are so I support them.

  17. Barack Obama favors cutting working class taxes.

    The concept of providing for the needy actually was engineered by Jesus Christ, not by Democrats.  If you believe that feeding the poor is "to keep minorities down and dependent," then you must disagree with Jesus' words in Matthew 25:31-36 and elsewhere.

    Liberals actually LOVE individual prosperity, private property ownership, and the family.  

    Conservatives DRIVE DOWN individual prosperity, private property ownership, and the family, creating a system where the very, very rich have all the wealth and the rest work harder and harder (spending less and less time with their children -- family) and still go into foreclosure and lose their homes.

    John writes:  "We should all know by now that tax increases hurt the economy and tax decreases help the economy. This is simple Economics 101"

    My suggestion is that you move on to Economics 202.  Decreasing taxes for the incredibly wealthy while increasing the debt and spending, largely spending on wars, laying off workers and sending people into foreclosure, does not help the economy.

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