
Is RWD bad in snowy conditions no matter what??? or are there any rwd cars that handle well in the snow???

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i want a rwd car but i live in massachusetts where the winters can be brutal. but since most sports cars are rwd....i have a problem!! are there any new rwd cars that handle well in the snow??????




  1. Any RWD vehicle can be driven and handle good in the snow as long as you drive it correctly.................

    Here is the simple tip for manual or automatic rear wheel drives.

    As you increase your gas pedal, now you pull your emergency brake slowly in the same manner.

    The spinning and no spinning wheels are slowly braked.

    But, only the spinning wheel feels the braking and begins to slow and the energy is transferred to the stationary wheel and it starts to spin.

    There is a period where both wheels will spin and that is where you have the most traction that will be better suited for getting loose or stop spinning.

    You will get the hang of it after a few tries.

  2. My buddy and I drove his 65 Mustang from AK to CA in Dec many winters ago . We only went off the road once just into Canada . Other than that, we did not have any handling problems . We had all of our worldly possessions stowed to give good balance and more grip to the rear wheels (with snow tires) . And we took our time when it got squirrely a couple of times on black ice and in a white out . If you are in any kind of hilly country, your best bet would be to go with the 4wd . You need all the help you can get.

    All the best.

  3. rear wheel drives are bad in snowy conditions,they wont get the traction that front wheel drive cars will get,if you live in a real bad area a front wheel drive car is the best to own,they go better in all kinds of bad weather, rear wheel drive cars just dont do good on snow and ice,good luck.

  4. Front drive cars have the benefit of having most of the weight over the wheels that need the traction, newer rear drive technology allow the wheel not to spin but it still has very little traction. All wheel drive is the best and front wheel drive is ok for most climates. Most big name sport cars go all wheel drive when they want to sell safety, look at any road rally car ( those fouls that go up Pikes Peek) to see just how all wheel drive is.

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