
Is Rachael Ray too happy?

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Is Rachael Ray too happy?




  1. You must mean 'Wretchel' Ray.

    Yes. And she's 'happying' her way to the bank reportedly making seven MILLION dollars a year. She seems to fill a niche that was empty before.


  2. I can't stand her with her evoo, and gravy c**p

  3. Yes she is,I wish I had her happy energy level.Do tell Rachael what gives you so much energy?

  4. her perkyness is sort of annoying

    i think she does it to make up for her lack of cooking skills

  5. yes.

  6. Well, I would rather say bothering- too childish.  I just cannot watch.  She seems like a really nice person, but she is just too much verbiage and spice for my taste.

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