
Is Radio Disney working for you?!?!?!?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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So the Jonas Brothers are takin over Radio Disney today at 6pm, and I wana listen. I checked it out yesterday online cuz my city doesn't get the station. You can listen to Radio Disney online. Is anyone having trouble listening to it???? It worked fine for me yesterday, but now I can't even here anything when I turn it on. My speakers are fine, I'm able to hear stuff from youtube and everything, the only thing I can't hear is Radio Disney. Its so frustrating!!!





    if you live in the usa you should be able to listen in here (unlucky for me i live in the uk and can't listen :( oh well) hope this helps

  2. it works

    you just need to try again

    don't worry you'll get to hear it eventually

  3. cool i'm a fan too but it seems to work just fine for me. i heard that they were coming on at 5 from a friend but maybe she's wrong.

  4. i can't get it...

    i listen 2 it on my t.v......

    i thought that they were coming on at 3:00?!?!?!?!

  5. Its working fine for me

  6. probably difficulties on the station reaching the online radio or like xm it got to cloudy. i would check the weather

  7. yehey another Jonas Brothers fan

  8. It worked for me!!


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