
Is Rafa feeling the weight of.............

by  |  earlier

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a) Success

b) Big Macs




  1. Big Macs.

    What success? The 2005 CL win is nothing but a fluke.

  2. success..

    witness it and weep....


    Success? I don't even think he knows what that means! 1 CL Title isn't really that important...

  4. RAFA IS TOP OF THE COPS!!!!!!!!    wait and see  

  5. Big Macs and Tom Hicks...

  6. id go with b because he eats big macs way more often than he has success

  7. Psh he has legs that resemble typical turkish kebabs found in south London. I think he dsnt just stuff himself on Big Macs. Whoppers, KFC King Size family chicken wing buckets, Wimpy's all day fry-up bfast, Cadbury's and tops it off with some of that all natural Ribena.

  8. big macs,                                                                                    what success are we talking about here the success of buying the worst free players around or the success of keeping his job for another year!

  9. pardon me sir

    but did liverpool taste any success last season?

    if not why is success even in your options?

  10. Rafa is feeling the weight of his belly  

  11. big macs .. if he does not win the prem soon i can see him serving them ..... i cant see him geting a job waiting  at the ritz can you ?? lol..

  12. The man is deluded if he rates a fluke in Turkey as success, once a clown always a clown

  13. He has never had any real sustained success. The only weight he is feeling is his own weight from his enormous stomach.

    He loves those Big Macs.

  14. Definitely Big Macs.

    He's been munching those d**n burgers down every other week for the past 4 years while trying to figure out who the rotate. Success? What success?  

  15. LMAO @ Marcos answer!

    erm.. i respect liverpool so no comment!

  16. b) Big Macs

    I have to agree with The Option on this one.What success?I mean,the Champions League was 3 years ago,the FA Cup 2.I don't see how success can drag you down.He does know that he's implying that Liverpool are not a strong enough team to challenge for major honours.Rafa's just talking out of his *** right there.

    That reminds me,we just won the Double,ooh someone lock the door.

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