
Is Rafael Nadal considered a Catalan because Mallorcans are native Catala speakers?

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The Baelerics native language is Catalan, like Valencia......are they considered Catalans or are Catalans only people from Catalunya county?




  1. lol ;) .. Mallorca was a part of Catalunya for some period, and after many events that I don't remember, they joined Castilla. I think that's why they speak both Catalan and Spanish; but they are not part of Catalunya and therefore not Catalans.


    extra info: the Balearic Islands are actually self-governed, like Catalunya, Andalucia, etc.. true there are Catalans in Mallorca, but the Island itself is not part of Catalunya and Nadal, a self-confessed Real Madrid fan, is not a Catalan.

    EDIT 2

    they made a treaty with Castilla or something and that's how they became a part of Spain (Castilla was the core of the Spanish state).. that was a long time ago and they gained autonomy (right word?) after that, but my point was they have a rich history in which more than one nation contributed, the Catalans are a big 'part' but not the whole.

    btw, this is what 'I' know about Mallorca, but I was born in Madrid and admittedly I'm not the sharpest one when it comes to Catalan history.. but I'm pretty sure that what I said is right.

    EDIT 3

    LMAO totally off topic, but I finally figured out how to convert the language in second site.. I was wondering how you read it in Catalan :D

    EDIT 4 (lol)

    wow.. impressive!

  2. I think so......

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