
Is Rafael Nadal the top player for picking roses from his garden between points?

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.. I can't remember any player in the past having such an abundance of bloomage... bless..x




  1. hahaha he has a big as s ...he can't help it

  2. LMFAO.....!!! =))) yep.. guess he is

  3. I figure he knows that one of his best physical attributes is his as s, so naturally he would want people's eyes drawn to it in between games. People's eyes naturally follow hand movements so when he makes a gesture for his as s, he's actually just saying "Hey! look at my as s. Now watch me serve."

  4. Yes and Roddick is #1 for picking his twigs and berries :)

  5. lmfao

    he doesnt always have to...its part of his superstitions routine

    -the boxing "style dance", pick the garden, 9 bounces, look at opponent and then serve...

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