
Is Recycling the Answer to Landfills?

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Like if we recycled more garbage would that make taking garbage to a landfill unneccesary?

Oh yeah I have 2 more questions ... which are kinda silly but anyways ...

1. Can you recycle dirty paper-towels?

2. Can you recycle dirty toilet paper?




  1. That really depends on how you plan to recycle your garbage.

    But if you compost it, you can then sell the compost.

  2. The landfills are a gold mine!!

    Have a read of this article...

  3. 75% of everything that is thrown away can be recycled

  4. Dirty paper-towels and toilet papers can't exactly be recycled to form new paper-towels or toilet papers (the recycled toilet paper and paper towels are made from recycled paper), but they can make very good organic fertilizer for urban greenery. Recycling is a great answer to landfill, but landfills aren't complete waste either -- the waste inside them builds up methane, which can be extracted for use as clean, green fuel. The cost is a bit on the higher side, but turning waste to energy is worth it IMO.

  5. I think that you can Recycling is really good to help the earth and that we can try to make the paper that we have should be more and more recycled instead of going to the landfeilds and just getting buirned in ground whiched it will not work with the earth and the air will still have Globalwarming. So every chance you get to recycle anything I would do it.

  6. its just another one of those "moving the trash from your room to the basement" kind of thing.  Its gone, but its still there.

    Think about if EVERYTHING we used was recycled. the amount of energy it would take to make the product useful again.., it would be a LOT of energy, lots more pollution created.

    Scientists are working on "working landfills" where the trash turns into fuel as it decomposes.

    toilet paper does get recycled when you flush it. it gets processed at the water treatment facility.


  8. The only key to make the world clean is discipline. No you can't or maybe yes but you can't coz' its dirty or maybe just make it a fertilizer.

  9. Recycling is part of the answer to reducing landfills. Another big part of the equation is reducing packaging and other waste. We could dramatically reduce what we put into landfills by changing a few habits. We have become a packaged food society, we would reduce waste and be healthier if we ate fresh foods. We could also reduce waste by avoiding disposable one use items. You mentioned paper towels, I rarely use them.

    As far as recycling dirty paper products, I believe it is possible. Most recycle centers won't take paper products that have been soiled in any way.

  10. Recycling isn't the total solution, but it does help the problem. With plastic bottles you can make the obvious, more plastic bottles, but you can also make a lot more, such as clothing. ( but the real solution will be what we start making all of our products out of, and how we reduce how much we buy.

    You can't recycle dirty paper towels or toilet paper. It gets separated in a treatment plant and then processed into new material, but you can't throw those things in with your cans and bottles.

  11. recycling is just one of the answer to landfills. it is better if people could reduce buying things which have excess packaging, then less would need to be recycled.

    as long as it is paper, it can be recycled, but the thing is, it is dirty. i think you can dump it in a compost heap. then it become compost.

  12. Yes anything that we now put in landfills can be recycled instead including any and all so-called hazardous materials. Everything that goes into the sewer goes through the treatment plant and anything usable is separated out as fertilizer, mulch or other similar products. Now if you have a septic system this is only true when it is pumped out and then run through the system.

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