
Is Red Bull bad for you???

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I have been drinking red bull for a long time & now people are telling me its really bad for me & can cause me to die




  1. It is.

    Trust me........i lived off 1-2 red bulls per day.

    Not only did i almost go bankrupt, i almost died.

    I had 2 heart palpitations (minor heart attacks)

    because of them.

    They speed up your heart rate like CRAZY.

    Quit while you still can. : ]

  2. No its really bad!!!!  Its has chemicals and different caffeines in it to make you hyper and energized at first and then weak and tires later

  3. red bull has alot of caffeine in it I would think it is just as bad as drinking cokes or coffee all day. Too much caffeine is not good for any of us.

  4. It's not good or bad.

    It depends on just how much you consume. If you're not drinking 5 cans a day and then going out for a marathon run, you should be fine.

    I myself am addicted to Red Bull.

    The only thing I don't like about it is the 'crash' it gives me. About 5-6 hours after drinking it, I get a massive energy drain, I feel down and very sleepy.

  5. I WAS drinking 2-3 cans of diet Red Bull a day, and just yesterday got out of the hospital after having a triple Angioplasty.  I had a heart attack on April 1, 2008 and my cardiologist said NEVER TO DRINK IT AGAIN!

  6. It actually is not good for you at all. It has been known to cause kidney stones and also it has alot of sugar so it amps you up and then it bottoms you out.

  7. I used to drink like 2-4 a day, and it only kept me awake, but I did suffer from tiredness without it. Then I was told it's bad, so I stopped drinking it.

    My resting heart rate is fine, it's extremely low, but it would go very fast during exercise or playing football, so I think thats the problem with it.

    So I'd say it good for you, it helps you to concentrate, I was 14 and 15 back then and worked late nights, it has helped, but someone I felt dizzy while crouching or something.

  8. no it gives u wings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. yeah i've been drinking it for a long time as well, and yeah it's actually bad for you..drinking one or two or more a day to speed up your's basically increasing your chance of a heart attack in the future...think about it...what's all that liquid doing inside your body...

    i'm trying to cutt back

  10. Saying that Red Bull will cause you to die is far too hardcore.

    Of the energy drinks out there, Red Bull is not one of the healthiest. However, they do come in small cans. If you drink a can a day, I doubt you will ever see any ill effects. However, like anything, excess is not good. If you are having other caffeinated  products in conjunction to your daily Red Bulls, there is a problem. But a little caffeine is actually good for your diet, especially if you work out avidly.

    Red Bull was a 1st generation energy drink, and it has not changed much since. Now that the energy drink market is booming, many other energy drinks have surpassed it in effectiveness, tastiness, and healthiness. If you browse your convenient store, you will notice many enery drinks are a large percentage of juice.

    However, if I were you, I would stop drinking the heavily carbonated and outdated Red Bull and switch to Rumba Energy Juice. Unlike other energy drinks, this one is 100% juice! No carbonation. It contains a fantastic array of vitamins and nutrients. Many things you take multiviatmins for are in the can, including large sums of vitamin A, C, B6, B12, Calcium, Iron, Niacin, ginseng, and more. It still contains the 1000mg of taurine and has a 2500mg energy blend which includes some amount of caffiene and simple sugars. It is as healthy as an energy drink will get, and it does a phenomenal job of perking you up with no shakes or uncomfortable "caffeine fallout." It tastes exceptionally good as well.

    Not only that but on average, one can is $1.85. One can also has two servings, so it is FAR more bang for your buck than Red Bull.

    Coming from a semi health nut, Rumba is the way to go. Lots of water and a Rumba a day is a great way to be perky, feel healthy, and not face the ill side-effects.

    You can find it at nearly all convenient stores.

    You'll thank me!

  11. Life can cause death.

    Red bull wil only make the life-part worse ...

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