
Is Red Trooper still top of the predictor?

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find out by visiting my blog...;_ylt=ApgYaLXYcn8a8Lv2n8pJM3AyFOJ3

or if you can't view it for whatever reason or can't be bothered then wait patiently for additional details where i'll post the full table presently...




  1. nope as usual I can't see it and I have no idea why!!!!

    No way bluebell what number am I at now

    15th how the h**l did I manage that,see chas told you that being below me wasn't that bad lol

  2. I await the Falgee Predictor with anticipation from Friday mornings, only slightly suppressed by the anxiety of finding out my position in the league come Mon/ Tue time.

    So I will pore through the papers over the coming days researching the first/ second and third divisions; possibly to no avail but hey ho.

  3. how the h**l did I manage that? 10th?

    oh well something needed to cheer me up :-)

  4. It's a d**n rig I tell ye

    I put Utd down to get a point, last time I do that

    Don't think there is ANY fitba on in Scotland next week flange, looks like an International prediction week!

  5. lol bluenose..your beating me now..jammy

    in 15th with chas and wee ger...hey whats goin

    em actually chas i'm below you..bluenose is above you..hows

  6. Ts up 9 places strachan should have listened to me ,I am Legend ,thanks for effort falgee

  7. Poor week for me this week, i can't believe i put Utd down for a win, thats the last time i do that..

  8. i see bluebell is on top of me.nothing new there then.hawhawhawhawhawhaw

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