
Is Regu-Mate safe for HyPP mares?

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My mare is HyPP n/h. Her heat cycles are INSANE, and make it almost impossible to train/ride her, or even show her. She's 6 years old, and has been in heat 5 seperate times in the past 2 months, and she was like this all last year too. I would like to put her on Regu-Mate to control her cycles, and make her more calm and less pissy and mareish, but is it safe for an HyPP horse to use? [bottom line.. because she has HyPP she CAN'T have potassium or she could possibly die.. so.. this is why I'm asking... because Regu-Mate is a hormone and I have no idea whattt it would do to an HyPP horse]




  1. Regu-mate is a synthetic progestagen.  While this hormone has effects with the ovary, it has no physiological effect on potassium channels in the cells.  That being said, it should have no effect on the cell's uptake or removal of potassium from the bloodstream. Regu-mate should not have any effect on your mare in regards to her HYPP status.  

    If you want to be certain, I don't blame you for not trusting a lot of "Yahoo!s" :), I would check with an equine reproductive specialist  or a vet that specializes in equine reproduction.  Most regular practictioner vetanarians are woefully ignorant of a lot of reproductive physiological principles.  I discovered this first hand when taking my graduate level repro class!

    EDIT:  Just to add this comment--Come on guys, while it is not advisable to breed a N/H mare, it is not cost effective for most horse owners to spay a mare.  This is not a cat or dog we're talking about.  Besides, spaying a mare equates to somewhat major surgery since she would have to be totally sedated and immobile during the procedure.  Not to mention recovery time afterwards.  Just because a mare is not spayed doesn't mean that she will be bred.

  2. I do not think potassium is part of Regu-Mate, but since this is a life/death type issue you need to ask a qualified Equine vet about this more than anyone on Yahoo answers.  Even if potassium is not the main ingredient we all know there are fillers in medications, I would want to be certain the fillers are not issues due to your mare being hypp.

    Most vets will take phone questions willingly, especially if they know you purchase your mediations there, so talking to someone shouldn't be a problem

  3. Since she is a carrier of HYPP, you could have her spayed. She should not breed because she would pass the gene, and that way you could enjoy riding her without the heat issues.

    ETA: hcm- I am only giving the original poster options. While yes it is more expensive to spay a horse, it would solve the problem. She is only 6. She hopefully has years to show and with Regu-mate, she would be on it for years. It can also be expensive, my understanding is it cost about $4 a day. There have been updates on the surgery and it is not as invasive as before. There is also the possibility of marbling her. These are all options that she needs to discuss with a qualified vet. The reason that I quickly went to spay, is while the poster has no wish to bred now, she may not have this mare her whole life and there are others who do not have a problem breeding a HYPP carrier.

  4. Would like to help you but this is really  a question for your vet.  Regu-Mate is powerful stuff.

  5. Gypsysransom is right.  Spay this mare and do not breed her.  that way you can enjoy her for years.

  6. Interesting question and one I would be posing to a vet rather than a discussion board I'm afraid as the wrong advise could have such a terrible consequence.

    As an alternative have you considered the glass marble treatment as that is supposed to work very well and would be a lot cheaper than spaying.

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