
Is Rep. Westmoreland correct to describe Obama and his wife as: uppity ?

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According to Yahoo! News:

Thu Sep 4, 6:35 PM ET

WASHINGTON — A Republican lawmaker is facing criticism over using the racially charged term "uppity" to describe Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, on Thursday.

According to The Hill newspaper, a Washington publication, Westmoreland said, "Just from what little I've seen of her and Mr. Obama, Sen. Obama, they're a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they're uppity."

Westmoreland spokesman Brian Robinson said the congressman was using the Webster's dictionary meaning of the word and was unaware of additional racial context.




  1. Obama's campaign will sling the race card any opportunity they get

  2. Sophisticated black woman... OH.. they better be scared. Call her whatever you want to call her... but she is the BEST. LOVE HER!  

  3. Typical white Republicans, use coded language, and feign shock and outrage when they're called out on their c**p.

    I do have to hand it to you racist trolls, you figured out how to be half-way subtle after you got the Yahoo message boards shut down with your ridiculous behavior.

  4. "they're a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they're uppity..."

    That quote by itself sounds more like McCain and Cindy, no?  The McCain's have 10X more money and "elite status" than the Obamas.  How can Obama and his wife be uppity and elite and not the McCains?  So do you REALLY think that statement is not a subtle reference to race?

  5. That is an accurate description. How is that racists.

  6. Get use to saying President Obama!

  7. Does not the "establishment" think that any intelligent black person is an "uppity n*g*@?  After all being uppity is a threat to the establishment it means you are not a "typical black".  Remember "typical blacks" especially black men are in jail and are absentee dad.  Typical black men refer to their women as "hos".  Also typical black men state every sentence beginning with "YO" while rapping and wearing baggy pants and skipping school.

    If Obama and his wife were "typical blacks" they would not face much opposition.  However by being an intelligent and educated black man from Harvard (who worked hard with a high GPA along with his wife) they go against the stereotypes that the establishment wants to portray of blacks.

    Being an "uppity n*g*@ is a DANGER to the establishment. Let's see they already accuse him of being a "closet moslem", a racist, machine politician, and now he is "uppity".  

    I guess next they will accuse him of trying to get elected so he can turn the White House into a crack house.

  8. Yes.  I think it's wrong.  But not necessarily because of racial issues.

    I never thought of that term as racially charged (but now I see how it could be taken that way), but I have yet to find Obama "uppity"  or Elitist.  Of course, we don't hang out, so I don't have any personal experience.

    I think that he's such an eloquent speaker, that people ignorantly apply the term elitist to him.  They're used to the more "plain speaking" politicians.

    I think Westmoreland is jealous. He's not exactly a brilliant speaker himself.

    I'm a Republican, BTW.  If it makes any difference.

  9. All hail the Good Reverend Cleophus!!!  Callin' out muddafukkas like they don't in the world can someone play the racecard on the word uppity?!!!  "High-yellow", maybe I'll give you partial cred - but "uppity"?!!!  That's valley girl if I know anything!!!  Jeez, even Al Sharpton wouldn't play the racecard here, and he deals from the bottom of the deck - this dude is absolutely clueless!!!

  10. It is insulting and if he didn't already know that he is stupid.

  11. Def "putting on or marked by airs of superiority : arrogant, presumptuous". In a sense anyone who runs for president is "uppity", but I have never heard the word applied to any of them or anyone white for that matter. However he misused the word, people never think of themselves as uppity, it is a derogatory term used about other people, so maybe he really is that dumb.

    Edit: I check his Bio; He was born in 1950 in Atlanta  and lived there during the civil rights movement when the word  "uppity" was in constant usage to describe MLK and others in  the movement. It is possible for younger people to be that dumb, but someone of his age  and background couldn't be "unaware of additional racial context".

  12. Those of you claiming you really didn't know that "uppity" was Klanspeak for "negroes that don't know their place", please get sterilized before you reproduce and lower the collective IQ of humanity.  


  14. Rep Westmoreland is using a term that is derogatory to black people.  Look, Sen Obama worked his way up by himself.  He never had things handed to him.  He had to work for them.  Sen McCain on the other hand was born into a privileged military family and had everything given to him.  Is Sen Obama uppity because he refused to be just another dumb brutha hanging out in the 'hood?  What's so uppity about wanting to make something of yourself?  Isn't that the American Dream we all talk about so much?  Rep Westmoreland has shown everyone just what a racist he is by denigrating Sen and Mrs Obama like this.  There are people who just can't stand the idea that black man might be President of this country.  They will deny it, but ....

  15. He's showing his true colors at least!





    Fanciful extension of up. First used in the slave states of USA in mid 1800s."

  16. Yet another example of race baiting.  It's just another disingenuous attack that the far left is notorious for.


    My god people!  Can the far lefties get anymore pathetic?  The length at which they all go to to pick apart what someone that doesn't agree with their twisted agenda says until the obvious plain and simple meaning is distorted beyond recognition.  This is what I mean by race baiting and disingenuous attacks.  They are the very same people that try to convince others what the likes of Jeremiah Wright and Michael Pfleger have been caught saying is taken out of context.  Give me a frickin' break.  It's so utterly pathetic it would be laughable if I weren't so embarrassed of them in this country.

  17. Yeah, you probably shouldn't call a Black person "uppity" unless they've identified themself as such. (And some Black women do, As in, "dang right I'm uppity!)

    But doing so is not too much unlike calling a Black man "boy." Uh, no, you don't go there.

    However, I do think the Obamas are elitist. IMO.

  18. Thats the first time I've ever heard of uppity being racist.

  19. I would have to check. but You know the bots are going to accuse you of being racist.

    Yep uppity means putting on or marked by airs of superiority : arrogant, presumptuous

    The Obama campaign said it took no racial offense so why are other people taking offense.

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