
Is Respect a privilege, a right, or neither?

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is Respect a privilege, a right, or neither? If neither, then what is it? Like, if someone said "respect is not a privilege, its a right." how can i explain it to them that they're wrong?




  1. One should always respect your elders.  However, there are times when they do not really deserve this respect.

    One could argue that they have earned this respect due to their age and related life experience.

    The principle, however, as I see it is that respect is earned.  It is definitely not a privilege (may have been in the days of the feudal system with kings and lords demanding/commanding  this respect).

    For it to be a right, it needs to defined as such in a countries constitution or similar document (a right by law).  Therefore it cannot be a right.   The twist to this is in the armed forces - where you are forced to show respect your senior officers.   Nevertheless, as I was informed many years ago, it is the uniform not the wearer that you are respecting when you say have to salute him.  Again the wearer must earn the respect of his command.

    Based on this , I do believe it is neither a privilege nor a right,

    but as stated earlier something that is earned by deed or 'age'.

  2. well, this kind of depends on the culture they came from. For example, my parents came from Vietnam and they believed that respect is mandatory because it is a right. However, in the US, we must work for our respect through accomplishments. Therefore, if you ask if respect is a right, a privilege, or neither in the US, the answer will by it's a privilege.

  3. I think everyone deserves respect as soon as they are born. To be treated well and as an equal human being. You can certainly lose respect though. If someone has done something horrible then they are not entitled to have respect. It's like a law. Everyone has the right to free speech, but if you abuse that right it is taken away.

  4. definitely a privilege but it comes with a stipulation. people earn respect so it is inherently a privilege, but respect should be given to everyone who hasn't proven that they don't deserve it. so it kind of works backwards. don't disrespect someone just because you think they don't deserve respect, if you do, you yourself deserve no respect.

    rainman: privileges aren't necessarily granted by people of a higher authority. it is my privilege to go to a friend's wedding as granted to me by their invitation, but in no way does that mean that my friend has some sort of higher rank in society than me or anything else for that matter

  5. It is a privilege for everyone who knows its real meaning, and a duty which has never been protected by any law, and any society, as far as the human being is stepping on everyone in order to achieve his purpose

  6. An earned privilege

  7. definetly a privilige i dont think a drug addict deserves my respect sooooo i think its a privilige

  8. Respect must be earned, so it cannot be a right. Rights are granted.

  9. It is neither. Although it is said that there are certain inalienable rights, that is not true either.

    Privileges are granted by someone with greater power.

    People seeking respect may seek it from equals, superiors and inferiors. Therefore, it isn't a privilege either.

    Respect is a mental state arrived at by someone in response to their perception of someone else's actions. The idea that everyone is entitled to some level of respect from everyone else seems absurd (IMHO).

  10. We are all entitled to basic human respect ... but after that respect must be earned

  11. A definite privilege, you do not have a right to respect. Respect is earned.

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