
Is Rev Wright still alive?

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I havent seen him in news lately or now that I think about it in Denver either




  1. He's only alive in the minds of the obsessed right-wingers who just can't let it go.

    Wright is retired, and he wasn't in the news before the story broke, so why would he be now?

  2. Yes, they have him in the cage right next to Michelle and he is going through intense cattle prod training, as did Michell, to keep him from sticking his foot into Barack's mouth.

    He is still in phase 1, no slack, while Michelle is in phase 2, out on a short leash and scripted words only.

  3. The Obama camp got him to shut him...probably paid him off.

  4. Yes he is. He has learned his lesson I guess and he did speak in Denver, just not at the big moment in the DNC.

    *yawn* the Republicans on here are boring me... I think I'll go watch T.V. now. At least I can find some intelligence on there.

  5. yes, hes my dad

  6. Yes he is.  However, he's trying to keep out of the news in hopes of not hurting Obama's chances of winning anymore than he already has.

  7. He is sitting in Obama's house and preparing his inagurational speech.

  8. I think he retired

  9. I'm sure a lot of Benjamin's have sealed his lips.

  10. Yes, but he has moved Iran where he can say god d**n America everyday on the terrorist channel . The Taliban thinks he's a hero.

  11. Oh he's alive and kickin alright    ....He dwells in the heart and mind of his 20 year disciple and student Barack Hussein Obama.

    The damage is done ...the torch has been passed!!!

    A vote for Obama IS a vote for his ideological mentor ...Jeremiah Wright!

  12. He is, and so is Bill Ayers.

    Ayers actually had a nice party suite in Denver during the convention, complete with with cocaine and hookers 24/7

  13. He is hiding. He'll be back in October.  

  14. NO

  15. Yeah, he is probably on the pow-wow trail laughin at everybody and how he made folks upset...every native american loves to make folks quirm.. it is a native thing

  16. While I was hanging around the scuttlebutt heard he has a shocker for the Democrat nominee in October.

  17. Yes, sadly

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