
Is Revenge Justified?

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Do you believe in 'eye for an eye'? Is revenge justified? If someone hurt you, are you justified in hurting them back? Does this apply to everyone, everywhere in the world? How does revenge help, if at all?




  1. Yes Revenge is natural.

  2. yes..............mata lang ang walang latay!!!......

  3. .... no it will not get you any where,

    you dont think you are god,

    could do anything to any one and get away with it.

  4. I don't believe in justice. However, revenge is an act of pleasure for me. I take pleasure in seeing someone completely destroyed after them having done harm to me. When I get revenge, I KNOW it isn't right, but it gives me pleasure, and that's all I need. I was born damaged beyond repair, so the whole "don't sink to your enemies'" level bullcrap doesn't apply to me.  

  5. Revenge might help you to calm down for a short period of tym..

    bt on the long run it can happen that u regret it later..

    so its always better to forget things which ***** our people dat u r cool as a cucumber n doesnt care of wotever one does to if someone hurts you then dont even give dat person so much importance by taking revenge( n dont let them kw dat u r hurt)

    .thats my opinion...n no i dont believe in 'eye for an eye'.

    b cool..

    good luck..

  6. counterproductive better to divert energy for a better results

  7. No. The world would just keep getting worse.

    A person has a right to defend himself. But I find that when someone is aggressively trying to hurt me, there are alternatives to fighting back. One can walk away. One can talk.

    Road rage is a common problem today. If you want to confront aggression with more aggression, your opponent just may pull out a bigger weapon that you didn't forsee from his glove box. It's best to be cowardly and passive when confronted with road rage.

  8. Nah, naturally you want to feel vindicated when someone hurts you, but an eye for an eye is not the way to go.  Karma is real and if you are determined to get someone back, it will be a vicious cycle.  You can't always get people back.  It may make you feel better, but it won't solve anything or erase the damage or hurt you've experienced.  I think sometimes you just have to let it go.  People don't get away with things.  It may seem like it, but they don't.  Just trust that in time, that person will pay for what they've done and you can sit back and watch and say, "Ha ha ha-ha-ha!! Nanie, Nanie, boo boo!"


    I believe "vengeance is mine, saith the Lord."  I believe that He can get people back far better than we can, and he does.  I trust that.  It doesn't mean you're doormat.  You speak up for yourself, and leave it at that.  If that person continues being cruel to you, if it were ME, I would act as they didn't exist.  If they tried to talk to me, I'd ignore them.  If they asked me why I didn't respond, I'd say, "Because you treat me like c**p and really expect me to talk to you?  You got the wrong one".  I was actually just in a situation just like that.  Fight with your words, but don't yell and act a fool and don't allow yourself to seem intimidated.

  9. I was a vindictive person. but I have realized that Nature takes her own course. so any wrong deed is paid for with a compound interest. far better than anything a mortal can mete out.  

  10. no i don't believe that revenge is justified at all because if someone has hurt you and that was the wrong thing for them to do how could it be right if you did the same in return? Two wrongs don't equal a right. And if you know your self how it felt it wouldnt be right to make someone else feel that way too. its not justified!  

  11. i think it depends on the situation and the type of bad thing that was done to you.i'll give you a personal example- my husband has left me for another woman; i hate every minute of this experience and am trying to get over it, but it hurts like h**l. if i could i would seek revenge but there's nothing i can do. so i just pray to god daily that in time he will do to her exactly what he did to me,so that she gets what she deserves. i don't know if this will ever happen but i keep hoping.

  12. i don't believe in your statement 'eye for an eye. the revench is not justified. if someone hurt me i will hurt them back because it is not the way for it. the revench will not help you in any ways.  if everyone acept these statement the world will worse. did you know the words of mahathma gandhi,"if someone beet your one side of face, you should let another side of your face". this meants that revench is not the way to anything

  13. The lady who wrote the 4th scrap is at the bulls eye..It is certainly true that there is no point in seekign revenge.Every action has an equal n opposite reaction or rather the karma binds ever1 in the world,nt just u or me..and d person is bound to pay for his deeds be it good or bad so always think good and act good..:)

  14. No. It never will be justified. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

    Karma means cause and effect. You might have heard....What you sow is what you will reap. You should try and do the right thing which is forgive and not forget. Forgetting is easy, but forgiving is hard and when you do you can be at peace with yourself.

    In my culture, there is an old saying that the best punishment you can give to your enemy is to do good, so that every time he thinks of hurting you he will be ashamed of himself.

  15. normally, the answer should be NO. but it will depend on case to case. u cant generalise this question
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