
Is Rice the acting president?

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Is Bush so hated that he just assigns C. Rice all the responsibilities now? Is d**k Cheney on permanent vacation? Is it just my changing attitudes towards politics as I grow older?




  1. She is the worst Secretary of State we've ever had, so they promoted her upwards.  That's the way Bush operates.

  2. Rice=yes

    Bush's being hated  = YES

    Cheney = yes and for the good of the country

  3. Yes, she is better received publicly then Bush;  but she has always been the puppet for Bush's policies.  She speaks better and has a better public persona, but if you listen to her, she speaks out of both sides of her mouth.  Maybe her unrelenting, personal support of Bush comes from a deep-seated subconscious belief that if you can't convince them, confuse them - even herself.

  4. They all been acting for 8 yrs.  

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