
Is Rio De Janeiro a safe city to explore or should one stick to the tourist areas?

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I'd love to go there but I'm not sure how much of the area I'd feel safe exploring on my own. I've heard of high crime but that may just be a rumor.




  1. If you are adventurous and careful, sure you can do it, provided you take some measures.

    Stick to the south zone of the city, which is huge and close to the beach, north zone on the other side of the hills is much more dangerous.

    Dont carry too much cash, eletronics etc.

    Rio is violent, as well as so many other cities.

    If you dont act stupid its alright and it sure is a nice place to visit.

  2. É tudo mentira...

    Nada a ver!!

  3. Rio is a beautiful city, or should I say a city located in a beautiful setting.  Like most other large cities, there are safe places and there are places to avoid.  

    I am fortunate to have a friend from Rio, so he was our 'tour guide' when we visited.  He was very adamant about certain areas, mostly favelas but still other sections of the city, that he would not take us to.  Most of the tourist-type place are fairly safe.  

    Best advice would be to not go alone, be aware of your circumstances and surroundings, don't put yourself in situations that could be a problem.

  4. It's not safe at all. As a matter of fact, do not wear jewelry (especially rings) because you run the risk or having your finger cut off -- even on a public bus !! -- so the thief can get your ring. And do not compare American law enforcement with Brazil. You may assume that if you see a cop all you need to do is go up and report an incident.

  5. You can look for legit tour companies, but I wouldn't go too far out of Rio by yourself without some knowledge of the city, and you should know the language. I have been there, and never experienced a problem, but I didn't look like a tourist, no camera dangling from my neck, or a big backpack. Be simple, be smart and have fun. I assure you there is plenty to do in the touristy areas of Rio. Oh, the pizza at Maxim's on Avenida Atlantica is REALLY good! (It's right on the beach, south of the Copa Palace.) You could also go to trip advisor to see what are some good tour companies. Also, when using taxis, make sure they are RADIO taxis. I don't know how to explain it, just make sure you see that on the taxi.

  6. oh my god! its really HIGH, plus its very expensive! I wouldnt go to Rio de Janeiro, brazil has other beutifull places such as salvador, Natal, Fortaleza which are safer, cheaper and much more nice, I dont know why rio is sooo famous, get a bus to northwest and you will gave real fun. but if you really really want stay at (ugh) rio de janeiro then dont leave the turistic area and even at turistic area be carefull, dont take more money than you need, dont wear expensive jewerly and tennis shoes, use a cheap camera. If you get a taxi always ask how much before as some taxi drivers charge you for a LOT more than you meant to pay, make sure they look like this one on the picture , avoid dodgy illegal taxis

    when buy suvenir ask for a bargain as they make the price a lot expensiver than it should be.

    best of lucky (especially if you going to explore rio de janeiro)

  7. Get a Lonely Planet guide, as these have decent safety advice. You can walk round all the tourist areas and central district of Rio alone, but shouldn't go outside these on your own. Don't carry visibly valuable possessions and don't walk in unlit streets after dark. If you need to carry a passport or lots of money, put these in a body belt under your clothes and just carry day-to-day cash in your wallet.

  8. Your best try is to hire a tourist guide....he will know where and when to go.

  9. It is not a rumor....

    The crime rate is high... and u should be careful whatever you go!

    Don't be fool and try to explore Rio by yourself .... even if you can speak the language.. I wouldn't do it...

    Rio is a beautiful place.. but I would be cautious !!!

    Good Luck!

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