
Is Rio safe when travelling alone?

by Guest63898  |  earlier

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Are there parts of Rio to stay in or avoid?




  1. Yeah its not a good idea to travel alone, if you want you can pay for my plane ticket and i'll go with you

  2. Rio is definitely not safe to travel alone in.  The crime rate is astronomical.

  3. I've been twice to Rio (once for New Year) and I've never had any problems there. Obviously, dont go to the Favelas, stay away from dark, small streets at night and stick to well lit places where there are people around. Personally I prefer Ipanema and Leblon, I've heard stories about tourists getting mugged at broad day light in the streets of Copacabana. If you can take a tour to Buzios and Angra dos Reis.

  4. Hi ! There's no problem with traveling alone, yet there are places in any city in the World that definetly is not good to be alone.

    Usually it's not a problem a all to be walking by yourself in Rio, yet you should carry a dictionary with you or learn a basic Portuguese.

    Do not dress as a tourist, try to wear simple clothing. People in Rio wear lot of jeans, sandals, sneakers, and surf style wear.

    Even though, I'm from Rio...Every time I go there by myself, and people wonder where I'm from, since I like to dress casual, I haven't had problems, yet I do speak Portuguese.

    I would recommend that you should visit new neighborhoods as Barra and Recreio. And there's no problem of being in Ipanema, Leblon and Copacabana, just that in Ipanema and Copacabana, you should avoid walking by yourself at late nights. Unless there's so event/ musical/ sport taken place and there's mass people and police around.

    By the way, Copacabana is the only neighborhood that has cameras on the beach/ and certain streets.

    Nevertheless avoid carrying expensive items on display.

    And have great vacation !

  5. Over 5 million people live there. In a single day, a tiny percentage is involved in crimes. Thus, if your stay there will be something like 7 days, the possibility of being in danger is like to stay half a day in Baghdad, one day in Tel Aviv and Beirut, two days in Caracas, three days in Moscow, seven years in Tokyo and about two hours in New York...

  6. hi. i am from rio de janeiro, well any ways... there is no problem with traveling alone, but when you go 2 rio de janeiro, make sure u dont hav much jewelery on- u kno- gold. and try not 2 make it 2 noticable that u r from america! plz follow my advice... i've seen it lots of times! i just want u 2 b safe! muita boa sorte e bom approveito!!!

  7. .. I would never travel anywhere alone.  But thats my preference.

    You should use the same precaution in any city that you are not familiar with.  Know where you are going before you go.  Stick with the crowds.  Dont wander in any strange looking areas.  Dont walk where its not lit at night.  Dont wear anything expensive looking.   If You're a women.. dont carry your purse.  etc etc             i'm sure you can ask the locals of where you are staying on advice

    Boa Sorte

  8. alone not too much safe, but avoid to carry expensive stuffs while u r walking in the streets

  9. If you are wise and smart person you should have no problems...avoid stay in streets after dark, don´t count money in public, don´t use flash clothes, don´t use your notebook in public, stay in touristic places...just use common sense.

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