
Is Robert Devereux a nephew of Elizabeth I? And if so, wouldn't her fling with him be a little...wrong?

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Is Robert Devereux a nephew of Elizabeth I? And if so, wouldn't her fling with him be a little...wrong?




  1. That's the way they rolled back then!

  2. Robert Devereux was Queen Elizabeth I's distant cousin from her mother's side. His mother Lettice Knollys was the first cousin once removed, of Elizabeth I of England. His great-grandmother Mary Boleyn was a sister of Anne Boleyn, second wife of King Henry VIII and mother of Queen.

    During the middle ages, it was very common for first cousins to marry each other, most parents would encourage such an arrangement for status and political reasons. Also, the aristocrat circle was very limited so its very difficult to avoid being married to someone of the same status and privilege who is not a blood relative.

  3. His great grandmother was sister of the queens mother. So I think that makes them cousin second cousins maybe even third. and in those days that would be more then ok.

    I see nothing that states the two were evolved in any sort of romantic relationship just that she favored him.

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