
Is Romania a free country?

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I want to live there one day..(learning language and everything) but then my friend told me it wasn't a free country! I don't want to be under the rules of a king or something




  1. After the fall of Ceauşescu, the National Salvation Front (FSN), led by Ion Iliescu, took partial multi-party democratic and free market measures.[89][90] Several major political parties of the pre-war era, such as the National Christian Democrat Peasant's Party (PNŢCD), the National Liberal Party (PNL) and the Romanian Social Democrat Party (PSDR) were resurrected. After several major political rallies (especially in January), in April 1990, a sit-in protest contesting the results of the recently held parliamentary elections began in University Square, Bucharest. The protesters accused the FSN of being made up of former Communists and members of the Securitate. The protesters did not recognize the results of the election, which they deemed undemocratic, and were asking for the exclusion from the political life of the former high-ranking Communist Party members. The protest rapidly grew to become an ongoing mass demonstration (known as the Golaniad). The peaceful demonstrations degenerated into violence. After the police failed to bring the demonstrators to order, Ion Iliescu called on the "men of good will" to come and defend the State institutions in Bucharest.[91][92] Coal miners of the Jiu Valley answered the call and arrived in Bucharest on June 14. Their violent intervention is remembered as the June 1990 Mineriad.

    The subsequent disintegration of the FSN produced several political parties including the Romanian Democrat Social Party (PDSR, later Social Democratic Party, PSD), the Democratic Party (PD) and the ApR (Alliance for Romania). The PDSR party governed Romania from 1990 until 1996 through several coalitions and governments with Ion Iliescu as head of state. Since then there have been three democratic changes of government: in 1996, the democratic-liberal opposition and its leader Emil Constantinescu acceded to power; in 2000 the Social Democrats returned to power, with Iliescu once again president; and in 2004 Traian Băsescu was elected president, with an electoral coalition called Justice and Truth Alliance (DA). The government was formed by a larger coalition which also includes the Conservative Party and the ethnic Hungarian party.

    Post-Cold War Romania developed closer ties with Western Europe, eventually joining NATO in 2004.[93] The country applied in June 1993 for membership in the European Union (EU). It became an Associated State of the EU in 1995, an Acceding Country in 2004, and a member on January 1, 2007.[94

  2. Now they are part of europe the country should improve, but it has been known up to now for corruption and gangsters.

    BBC news:-

    EU approves Bulgaria and Romania  

    The European Commission has announced that Romania and Bulgaria will be admitted to the EU in January 2007, but under strict conditions.

    Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said both countries had made enough progress to join the union.

    But they will be checked for progress in curbing organised crime and corruption, and ensuring food safety and the proper use of EU funds.

  3. Yes, it is now. At one time it was communist.. That's why my dad moved from there in 78'.. But they are free now. I think it's been free since very late 89'.

  4. Yes, but that depends on your definition of free.

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