
Is Rome beautiful?

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for your 15 birthday




  1. The eternal city, the most beautiful city.Collosseum, Fontana di Trevi, Galleria Borghese, Aventino, Musei capitolini, Vaticani, city of Vatican, Castel sant Angelo.Dont miss it, you ll be amazed, but avoid the summer, it is so hot..

  2. it really is..every corner of the city is just wonderful not to mention the most popular and well known attractions

  3. Rome is my hometown, my love, I will always miss it. It's so beautiful, life is so good there, the sun always shines and the monuments are breathtaking! Have fun!

  4. Does a bear shìt in the woods?

    For your 15th you would rock & roll in Roma!

  5. * The formation of the city can be considered concluded with the great last the three urbanistici participations of king of Rome, under which the city is developed like Etruscan city center: in particular the reclamation of the area of the Roman Hole by means of the construction of the Maximum Cloaca allowed the creation of the political, religious center and administrative of the city, subdivided in four E regions equipped of the first town-walls of it walls.

        * After the 390 a.C., as a result of the incursions of Galliums, the construction of one was had new town-walls (the so-called ones walls serviane). Beginning from II the century a.C the constructions of new buildings were multiplied, than progressively they came inserted in coherent urbanistici plans from part of the personages who dominated the political history and meant to celebrate just the name.

        * The phenomenon was emphasized ulteriorly in the first two centuries of the roman Empire, to work of the emperors (Imperial Holes, buildings huge publics and splendidly it decorates to you like terme, theatres, amphitheaters, templi).

        * After the crisis of III the century, that it saw nearly a complete arrest of the building activity (with the meaningful exception of the construction of walls aureliane), one resumption was had in tetrarchica age.

        * Beginning from the beginnings of IV the century, the become emperors Christian, erected the great Christian basilicas (Saint Giovanni in Laterano and Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, costantiniane, and Saint Maria Greater and Saint Paul outsidewalls to them in V the century)

        *   Ancient Rome

        * Monuments celebrated to you Templi Theatres, circuses, terme, you pierced Other anchor…    

        *        Arc of Costantino

        *        Arc of Giano

        *        Arc of Strict Settimio

        *        Army amphitheater

        *        Arc of Tito

        *        It plows Pacis

        *        Column of Mark Aurelio

        *        Column of Traiano


        *        Tempio di Apollo Sosiano

        *        Tempio di Apollo Palatino

        *        Tempio di Ercole

        *        Tempio di Portuno

        *        Tempio di Saturno

        *        Tempio di Vespasiano

        *        Tempio di Antonino and Faustina


        *        Circus of Massenzio

        *        Circus of Nerone

        *        Massimo circus

        *        Colosseo

        *        Theatre of Marcello

        *        Terme of ancient Rome

        *        Terme di Caracalla

        *        Terme di Diocleziano

        *        Hole Romano

        *        Imperial holes

        *        Hole of Traiano

        *        Markets of Traiano


        *        Ancient Appia

        *        Mouth of the Truth

        *        Castel Sant'Angelo

        *        Catacombe

        *        Gold Domus

        *        Roman Insula

        *        Tiberina island

        *        Tarpea cliff

        *        Mamertino jail

        * Aqueducts Arch Obelischi    

        *        Aqua Appia

        *        Anio Vetus

        *        Aqua Marcia

        *        Aqua Tepula

        *        Aqua Iulia

        *        Aqua Virgo

        *        Aqua Alsietina

        *        Anio Novus and Aqua Claudia

        *        Aqua Traiana

        *        Aqua Alexandrina

        *        Aqua Vergine

        *        Felice water

        *        Water Paola

        *        Pia water

        *        Aqueduct of the Fish farm

        *        Appio-Alessandrino aqueduct ETC.

  6. Rome is MAGNIFICENT!!!

    What a wonderful birthday present for your 15th.

    The city is replete with ancient history, wonderful monuments and architecture, also the Vatican and its Museums are filled with marvelous works of art.

    I don't know how long your stay will be... But I'm sure you'll wish it had been longer!

    Enjoy it!

    And evidently, another thing to enjoy is the delicious italian food...

  7. Its an amazingly beautiful place.

  8. absdoluetly !! while u have the chance go !!

  9. Rome is WONDERFUL. You can't choose a better place for your birthday. And, by the way, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY !

  10. Rome is a beautiful city completely engulfed in culture.  I think Rome helps give a better understanding for "Not-America".  There is so much to see and do and all the achievements of man are on display in so many different forms.  

    Also, it's Italy...the food is great :)

  11. all of italy is beautiful...except perhaps puglia
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