
Is Ron Paul REALLY unknown or are the people that say he is...?

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0 LIKES UnLike DEPENDENT on government for THEIR exsistence, that they are frightened of his promotion of INDIVIDUAL constitutional based freedom & RESPONSIBILITY? Are these people that say Ron Paul is unknown so insecure at leading their own lives, that they hope that their propaganda will defeat representative Paul? Have these people become so weak knee'd that they look at big government/politicians as their parents & gods? How do people become this frightened of taking charge of their own lives & enjoying true constitutional freedoms as our fore fathers pened in ink??? For the life of me I could NEVER imagine myself groveling at Hillary or Giuliani's feet BEGGING for them to help me out with another social program or hand out. But, maybe that's it, like so many Americans, but NOT all, have become "beligerent beggers". It took a while but I think I have hit the nail on the head with the before mentioned. What's YOUR take on this, like fact or truth, it's gotta be one or the other.




  1. yes...  er... errr... uh... okay!!

  2. I think many people know who Ron Paul is, as in, have heard his name, but don't know where he stands and what issues are important to him. The reason for this, in my opinion, is that the public has become used to having the media tell them what they "need" to know about candidates, and they do no research on their own. This works against Ron Paul, as the media gives him little to no coverage, to the point of disregarding polls on the outcome of the debates.


  3. Who is this guy?

  4. Who?? is Ron Paul??

  5. He's an embarrassment to the Republican Party.

    He'd be better off running as a Libertarian.

  6. A lot of people are getting turned off by all the morons Spamming Ron Paul's name and URL all over the place.

    You THINK you're "Getting the word out" but all you're really doing is making Ron Paul look like a moron who needs brain dead Spammers to prop up his popularity.

    The endless Ron Paul Spam means the masses will take him LESS seriously, as subconsciously people are categorizing him along with Viagra ads and Nigerians who need to move $5 Million to the US.

    I personally think he's the best candidate the Republicans have offered, but despite this, I've come to cringe every time I see his name online. It's the same reason I can never take any Hoodia product seriously, I've seen far too much Spam about it to think of it as more than a joke.

  7. I'm a conservative who believes that there certain functions that only the government do..I agree with you about social welfare programs but I disagree with everything else

  8. I think the problem with Ron Paul is that although he is proposing for smaller role in the federal government, he hasn't emphasise what exactly should be the role of the federal government. He mention cutting down on big federal departments but hasn't mention on which departments would he want to keep?

    I think we should at least keep the DoD and the FBI.


    and do you expect to get realanswers for this questions


    ok BOBO, heres the scoop.

    The people in power - i mean the REAL people in power are going to downplay Ron Paul - they have no choice - he is the thorn in thier side stopping the march toward NAU and the NWO. They will lie, cheat or steal their way to a victory - if they cant get it that way - they will assisnate him the moment he tries to get rid of the federal reserve.  WHY???  because they would cease to exist if he gets what he wants.

    Look at the debates this weekend - where the entire audice was giving Ron a standing ovation for his remarks - but ALL the media outlets present him as the outsider kook. I am sure the next debate (with guiliani, mccain, romney and paul) will be a headhunting expedition with ALL thre of them trying to gain up on Ron - I sure hope he is prepared for the assault because its coming.

    In either case - it doesnt matter in the end - the truth will be told - it ALWAYS finds it way out - if RP doesnt win - when the truth is known and becomes self-evident the people themselves will rise up and fix the problem. While they are complacent now they will NOT stand to be "shackled".

    As for the grovelling fools you talk about - well they are trained well - the government loves them - you see - with a fiat system inflation will always rise and when it does people will turn to the goverment for help - this keeps the government in power - so long as people are dependent on the government then the government has ligitimacy - break that dependence and the government is meaningless

    ALL the presidents that tried to break that dependence were assisnated - I think they were all catholic too if that means anything. Is RP catholic? Will the pattern continue?

  10. i think he is gaining popularity, but your'e right many people don't like him because they want government to babysit them from cradle to grave, and tell them how to save for retirement (social security) and take care of their healthcare bills, tell them what kind of recreational drugs they can enjoy( alcohol, tobacco is okay, marijuana is not)... for some odd reason, there's really no difference, but anyway...I guess they are so immature they want a babysitter their whole life... its sad really..... Vote for freedom, vote Ron Paul.

  11. Ron Paul is the only hope for America this election.  Get as many people to vote in the Republican Primary for Ron Paul or America will face extreme economic depression which will destroy the freedoms of this nation by 2012.

  12. The Republican Party is an embarrassment to this guy. He'd be better off running as a Goldwater Constitutionalist.

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