
Is Ron Paul endorsing anyone for president?

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I'm absolutely taken with the liberty movement, and Dr. Paul and his stances on the Youtube debates are the reason.

I would be voting Republican out of fear of Obama otherwise, that clearly got us nowhere in the past, and now our Republican candidate is just the democrat of 10 years ago.

So... is Paul endorsing anyone for president?

I've thought of voting for Bob Barr, but his ideas on Liberty are so recent, it makes you wonder about their authenticity?!




  1. I love that guy.  I hope he endorses Obama

  2. He isn't, however he very much dislikes McCain & Palin.

  3. Dr. Paul is endorsing himself and quite frankly he is the best candidate.

    And no, I'm not voting for McCain out of fear of Obama.  

    I'm voting for Obama out of fear of 4 more years of Bush.

  4. No, he's not.  In his book, he talks about how both parties have become essentially the same.

    In a recent interview he said he could not endorse McCain because there is so little they agree on.

    Instead, what he is endorsing is that we get to work on the Campaign for Liberty and elect people who run on the platform of The Constitution.  People of integrity who believe that the job of the government is to protect individual's liberties.  

    It's a shame.  He really was the best candidate.  I'm always amazed when people say that he's a fruitcake and then I ask them about basic things -

    What do you think about the war?  Answer: We should get out.  Well, Ron Paul is the only one who would do that.

    What about the economy?  Answer: It's a mess.  We really need a solution.  Well, Ron Paul is the only candidate who is an economic scholar and one of the world's foremost authorities on monetary policy.

    How about the energy problem?  Answer: We really need to develop alternatives.  Ron Paul is THE champion on this issue.

    Taxes?  Answer: Lower them.  Ron Paul is the only candidate who wants smaller government.  He would cut government waste and you could keep all you earn.

    Health care and schools?  Answer: Badly in need of reform.  Ron Paul is the only candidate who KNOWS that when you privatize anything you get a better quality product for a lower price.  Privatize health care and schools and you'll have an exceptional system.

    Immigration?  Answer: We need to compassionately deal with illegals, but resolve this problem before it destroys the economy.  While both Obama and McCain are FOR open borders and all sorts of freebies for illegals, Ron Paul is the only candidate who says "remove the reason they're here and they'll leave."  

    He's the common sense candidate.  Unfortunately, people didn't listen.

    My hope is that some day soon we will have more Ron Paul Republicans in office.  THAT'S when we'll see change for the better.

  5. I think a number of Ron Paul supporters in Louisiana actually got Ron Paul on the ballot as an independent (without his help.. or consent for that matter).  

    So he might support himself in Louisiana.  Otherwise, he's stayed quiet about the race between Tweedledee and Tweedledum.

  6. No,He did not & he'll not endorse either one.

    "the lesser of two "Evil" is still "Evil" .

    Bob Barr is a hard core Neo-Con Republican

    and he was outed by Hustler Magazine for his

    position on abortion and at the same time he allowed a family member to have abortion.

    a case of hypocrisy.He's just another opportunist politician who sees opportunity.

  7. No.

  8. if you like Ron Paul so much than write him in.

  9. Given his knowledge of and respect for the Constitution, who (or: "what") could he possibly endorse?

    Not to worry, though. Guess what: Did you know that the Executive Branch (President) was vested with far less power than the Legislative Branch (Bicameral Congress)?

    And it gets better! Originally, the Constitution granted us only one direct vote: for our Lower-House Congressional Representatives. THEN! In 1913, an Amendment was passed transferring the power of "appointing" senators - then held by the House of Representatives - to us, the voters.

    Now, not only can the president use none of his/her sway to affect the selection of the Senate, he/she is the only single office of any single branch with no claim of "...just powers [derived] from the consent of the governed..."

    So, let's all put our power where our heart is: vote Congressional. Third party, anti-Crown all the way! (BTW..."crown = two major parties) And as for the president, tell our Congress they'd better make him/her walk the line!


  10. He is endorsing himself.

  11. Can't be himself


    So you got me on this one


    Well you ask


  12. Yes he's supporting McCain. I just heard him say so. Unbelievable!

  13. Ron Paul has not, He was essentially barred from even going to the RNC. They said he couldn't be on the floor without 2 people escorting him.

  14. I don`t think so, he has principals and lots of integrity.

  15. I don't think he has endorsed anyone.  He has run on the Libertarian ticket before.  I'm with you on Barr, though; unless he's had an epiphany since he left the GOP, he's just a re-fried republican.

  16. i don't think that he is  

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