
Is Ron Paul the last true Patriot?

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True patriotism is dead and the new fascism is here, where are the Ron Paul patriots now? We need to stand up! We need to speak out and agitate. Yahoo! answers Ron Paul supporters add me!

Long live liberty! Viva Libertas!




  1. No there are many of us fed up with the lack of federal restraint and lawlessness.  I think another true patriot is Ross Perot see Ron Paul would have had more support if he was not black balled by the media. I would never have heard of him had it not been for the Internet.

  2. Yes.

  3. Ron Paul is more of a dem and a radical. That is why he had no support.

  4. No, he is only one of about 80 million patriots, that do not let the defacto federal government of theUNITED STATES run their lives and take their assets!

    the Republic ceased to exist when the progressive liberals in 1913  passing the federal reserve act and later when f. roosevelt made the people surrender their gold.

    since the peoples money gold and silver is no longer the money of the Government of these united States. the government founded by the founding fathers no longer exist!

    Read international law  and find out how your politicans have stoled your country, unalienable rights, assets.

    Under the Constituton of 1787, you are a citizen of your state, one of the nation states that formed the union, the Republic, we are not a nation!

    This is a American Citizen that has Unlienable rights under the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.

    Congress does not have and never have the power to create a UNITED STATE citizen under the Constitution.

    THe UNITED STATES CITIZEN does not have alienable rights,but only pivileges given to you by government and taken away by government.

    The Supreme court has ruled on the differences!

    Your congress committed treason against the PEOPLE and the Constitution in 1871. check out the Act of 1871 and the 14th amendment read and see just  how free you really are!

    There is no difference between the two parties, they are the corporate board of the corporate state!

    taking orders from the Banking cartels to rape the American people and the Union which they have since the early 1900's.

    Stop and think if the american people are the masters of our government,

    why do you have to promission  to:


    drive your own personnal car on the public highways you paid for.

    did the state father or mother your dog, why do you have to have a dog license?

    do you know that a birth certificateis a financial document that can have monies borrowed on it by your government?

    The brentwood Act.

    Wake up take your LIFE, RIGHTS and REPUBLIC back.

    Oh that's right you live in America MOM, APPLE PIE, HOME of the FREE and BRAVE!

    Your Federal Government of the UNITED STATES is a corporation.

    Check out Federal Regulation  Title 28 3002(15) (A) (B) (C), it is equivocally stated that the UNITED STATES is a corporation.

    Translation: the corporation is NOT a seperate and distinct entity; iot is not disconnectrd from the government; it IS the government-- your government. the corporate Empire of the UNITED STATES,' which operates under Roman Civil Law out side the original Constitution.

  5. If Ron Paul would just join the true liberty party (Libertarian Party) then I would say yes, he is a true patriot but he hasn't so I'm not sure where he stands.

  6. I'd say that the progress made this year and the ideas voiced by his supporters have given the true libertarian conservatism a great boost and will mark the path for progress in the future, even though I never expected him to win the election because he is a radical.

    It's a definite step in the right direction.

  7. There is a difference between liberty and anarchy, and there is a difference between a patriot and an nut job.

  8. Well I doubt that, but he is the last politician we need to worry about.

    America loves a winner and Paul just wasn't mainstream enough to gather much support

  9. For the guy that says he's a dem not a republican, you need to figure out the difference in the two parties. A dem would never vote for small government, in fact, a dem would do everything in their power to make BIG government, to have the government do everything for you, pay for your health care, pay for everything that YOU should be responsible for paying, not your neighbor (through using their taxes to pay for your healthcare)

    And the guy that says he's be more of a patriot had he been running for the libertarian party. When was the last time the LP won the presidential race? We all know it's about the two major parties. Plus he is stilla REP Congressmen, he can't bounce party lines now or he'll sacrifice his 10 term standing in Congress.

    And to the other guy about america liking a winner and he's not mainstream enough. I hope you're joking.

  10. Yes, he is a patriot. Hopefully he will be Bob Barr's VP in the Libertarian Party. I'm a Republican that will not vote for that left wing liberal socialist Democrat McCain. Join me.

  11. There are many fools that would vote for a dictator who promises freedom.

    You are one of them.

  12. Ron Paul could have been a great alternative aside from McCain and Obama.

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