
Is Rosbif Maritn Brundle

by Guest57107  |  earlier

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Only Brundle isn't at the Hungarian GP and Rosbif didn't post a Hungrain GP quiz.......




  1. It is a bit suspicious.........but Rosbif know's way more than Brundle surely ?  

  2. No, we aren't the same person, but we WERE born in the same town (albeit with several years between us).

    PS thx cazebaby!

  3. Doubtful! But please god don't let Damon Hill commentate on another race ever again, he makes me lose the will to live!

  4. LMAO good thinking batman:)

  5. Lol, wouldn't that be great. Isn't it odd how Martin always seems to miss this one race to go on holiday, maybe they just don't like the Hungaboring circuit.

  6. Hahaha!!! First he is Murray Walker and now he is Martin Brundle.... ;p I think it's about time someone find out who rosbif really is. For all we know, he could even be Keke Rosberg in disguise. So who are we gonna call to investigate rosbif? I suggest Hercule Poirot  

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