
Is Roy Jones Jr. the best Light Heavyweight boxer right now?

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It look like it.




  1. yes

  2. I'll tell ya I loved Jones, I have never been so amazed as when I was watching his fights. Before he abandoned the light heavyweight division  to hunt for a title in the heavyweight division there was no question he was far the superior Light Heavyweight, you could argue he was the best light heavyweight of all time, I sure as h**l cant imagine another light heavyweight beating Jones at the time.

    But when he came back down it was clear that the weight gain and weight loss had taken a little out of Jones legs, he wasn't as quick, and he did not move as well.

    He suffered 2 back to back knockouts, then dropped a decision to Tarver in a fight it appeared he could have won easily (I still scratch my head at how he did not take that fight) then he fought a couple nobodies and then picked on a blown up welterweight.

    So he is defiantly not the best right now, but he can still be considered one of the best of all time in the division. If he beats Calzaghe he would need to avenge his his two loses over Johnson and Tarver, Id love to see him do it that then retire, His loses to Tarver and Johnson still leave a bad taste in my mouth.

  3. Maybe? Whats he got left? As its hard to say after the last fight with tito

    both looked better than there past fights but tito was the star for me that nite did better than i thought

    5 names that will all say they are the best.. you can put Pavlik in this also

  4. yeah without a doubt, only if he can beat johnson and tarver; if those 2 fight were to be signed.  that would have to happen real soon because he's near retirement, as this upcoming fight which was supposed to be against tarver may be his last fight.  if he ain't the best, he's in the top 5, or even the top 3 or 4 i'd say.  his style is impressive, but once he gets clocked, he does NOT get up, as we've seen.

  5. Roy Jones is one of the most talented and gifted fighters ever to laceup a boxing glove and his record is impecable he has also beat the best of the best apart from those who would not fight him and has done this in different weight classes Roy is the real deal no doubt in that but hes well past his best but still up there with the big boys and is more than capable of beating any one out there right now i wouldn't put money against him but i do think he should drop a weight class so his apponents shots would just bounce off him and with his power and skills at a lighter weight he could show some of the Jones class he used to show in every fight now we only see this now and then but i still believe he his the best in his weight Jones is the man to beat calzage remember Jones has dominated the boxing world for over 15 years and has been in the pound for pound list for around 10 years this kind of achievment is outstanding by any boxer from any era remember that

  6. No, because he hasn't beaten a quality LHW in quite a while. He beat Tito Trinidad, who is basically a middleweight, in his last outing.. The LHW division has good fighters in it like Chad Dawson, Glencoffe Johnson, and Antonio Tarver. and Johnson and Tarver have knocked out Roy already. Bernard Hopkins is still in the mix as well, but Joe Calzaghe is the man at LHW right now, and Roy gets a shot at him in November, so if Roy can beat him impressively, then maybe we can say he's the best.

  7. hasn't shown it but i would agree

  8. Probably!!  

  9. yes agree

  10. Yes. Its not Clinton Woods, its not Glen Johnson, or Joe Calzaghe. Calzaghe hasn't really fought anybody good. Roy will beat Joe

  11. Tarver,Dawson,Johnson,Calzaghe and Hopkins are all ahead of him now,

    Roy should have retired 3/4 years ago afetr being ko`d by Johnson,

    he has done NOTHING since,

    beating Hanshaw, Prince Ali Baba and a blown up Tito coming off a 3 year lay-off does not prove he is the best light-heavyweight,

    Roy WAS a great fighter but not anymore,

    if you still think he is the best in the division you clearly dont know anything about boxing,

  12. No. What has Jones done in the light heavyweight division lately? He only fought some guys name Prince Badi Ajamu and Anthony Hanshaw. Who are they in the division? Then in Jones last fight against Trinidad, surely he looked fairly well, but it was against an almost 3-year layoff Trinidad, who is not a natural light heavyweight contender.

    For Jones to even be considered in talks for the best at light heavyweight, he would definintely need to get by Joe Calzaghe and then prove he can beat Glen Johnson, Antonio Tarver or Chad Dawson.

  13. RJ is my all time favorite athlete. but Dawson is the best right now

  14. how the h**l is he the best when he cant even beat antonio tarver!!?! HUH!!!!!?? answer me that mother f*cker!!! i believe bernard the excutioner hopkins is the best of the best!

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