
Is Ruby Bridges alive?

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  1. i dont no what to say some say yes she 56 some say she 54

  2. Ruby Bridges is still living with her parents in New Orleans and yes, she is alive. She is 56 years old. I want to know what it was like to go to an all- white school. After I saw the Ruby Bridges Disney Video, I was shocked of what happened to her and I wished I was still alive back then, so I'd be in her class and be her best friend.


  3. she is shes in new orlines i dont know about her parents

  4. i don't know i wanna know to and if yes i want proof like a good website

  5. Yes she is.

  6. Yes she is. She is in her fifties.

  7. yes. 54 years old

  8. yes shes still living in new orlines with her parents
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