
Is Rudy Reddington part 2 too long?

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Rudy Reddington part 2

What's this I see? A traffic jam?

A bottleneck I spy.

This tunnel has a narrow space,

And now I can see why.

The walls have swollen in not out,

It hampers what I do.

I must deliver to the brain,

Oh, yes, I must get through.

Send a message to the heart,

Please send me precious speed.

But do not get the pressure up,

We don't want him to bleed.

I must get through, there is a need,

The brain needs oxygen.

The pain for lack of my sweet food,

Will border on a sin.

Oh, look, it's going down a bit,

I'm squeezing past the crowds.

I'll give the brain euphoric high,

Just like the big white clouds.

This has been rough but it is through,

For now all is okay.

But I must be aware that it,

Will come again some day.

Rudy is a red blood cell who wants to talk when I have a migraine.




  1. No it is not too long, Kudos

  2. Nope not too long.....and a salutary lesson to all of us.

    Man, you've got natural rhythm.

    (ps I misread your response to my kid's poem....I thought you were going to tell on me! kids do)

  3. In every cloud there is a silver lining....

  4. A bloody good muse, if you ask me...(",)


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