Rudy Reddington part 2
What's this I see? A traffic jam?
A bottleneck I spy.
This tunnel has a narrow space,
And now I can see why.
The walls have swollen in not out,
It hampers what I do.
I must deliver to the brain,
Oh, yes, I must get through.
Send a message to the heart,
Please send me precious speed.
But do not get the pressure up,
We don't want him to bleed.
I must get through, there is a need,
The brain needs oxygen.
The pain for lack of my sweet food,
Will border on a sin.
Oh, look, it's going down a bit,
I'm squeezing past the crowds.
I'll give the brain euphoric high,
Just like the big white clouds.
This has been rough but it is through,
For now all is okay.
But I must be aware that it,
Will come again some day.
Rudy is a red blood cell who wants to talk when I have a migraine.