
Is Rugby Union complete garbage?

by  |  earlier

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In my opinion, the answer is an obvious yes. The only way to get any sort of watchable play is by ignoring the rules, particularly with regard to blocking, obstruction and offside (especially in rucks and mauls) and playing the ball on the ground after being tackled. As for the lineouts, they've become the biggest joke of all. Players aren't supposed to move until the ball has left the thrower's hand, yet players are virtually running around in circles long before the ball is released.




  1. You can have ur opinion but others will find things ur interested boring can't please everyone. Myself I find soccer totally boring but admit that most people in the world find it entertaining my opinion and I don't rubbis people for their love of soccer.

  2. i agree with all of the above your a tossa mate

  3. Certainly the rules are too complex, players go "off their feet" at almost every tackle-ball/ ruck situation. Line outs are, as you said, a shambles. The poor  referee struggles because of the complexity and constantly-changing rules. It needs  simplifying if it hopes to compete with soccer. I get fed up hearing refs yelling "Hands off ", "Let it go" etc. In soccer an Italian could ref a game between Germans and Dutch, try that in rugby !!

  4. Union is a complex game played by wankers!

    League is a simple game played by men!

  5. It's like any other sport you can get some really boring matches when the ball rarely comes out of the rucks and you can get really tense close matches with lots of kicking runnong with the ball, passing, complex moves, big hits and tries.

  6. Union is for real men! What is better then line outs, contested scrums, 8 forwards, rucks!! Ja ons is almal lief vir UNION!

  7. That would explain why union is far more popular and growing around the world, while league continues to be mainly an Australia/ GB thing?

  8. but its so exciting in comparison to watching league.

  9. if you dont know **** about it then **** off

  10. If you don't like it..Don't watch it...

    Get over it you big baby

    At least our Refs aren't scared to make a decision and blow his whistle without going to the TMO

    I heard league's about to have two refs on the field.What so complex about league.....6 tackles and kick on the 5th....

  11. Rugby Union is definitely better than any other sport which is similar like Rugby league or american football. I think it's the second most watched sport in Britain so that proves that it's good.

    Also I think that there seems that women will actually take more of an interest in Rugby union than most other sports like football especially when our countries are playing.

  12. Sounds a leaguie fan who is getting upset because all the league players are playing union.  

  13. Yep... it wendy ball for you union obviously won't tickle your fancy! (you might also try synchronised swimming...might be just your thing.)

  14. You obviously don't watch it enough then do you. Rarely do players get away with crossing. You are allowed to move around in the lineouts as long as you don't move into the gap.

  15. Reads like a comment from a member of the local g*y netball team.    

  16. no its the best sport of them all

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