
Is Rugby Union no longer a gentlemen's game?

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Supporters and spectators used to be better behaved. Good play was applauded by both sides. Not any more. Isn't it a pity?




  1. I think it has become more competitive, and that has caused alot of players and spectators to become dirty. I am not shy to say a few put downs against the opposition, but I'm not shy to applaud there good plays either.

    there are definitely still gentlemen within the rugby circle. Be it on the feild and off.

  2. I haven't found that behaviour has got worse in general. however bearing in mind that all sports its becoming worse Rugby Union could just be the last of many to go that way.

  3. I don't know if this is a question anyone can provide a comprehensive answer to. I can only speak to the state of rugby union in the United States, where the game has become associated with the irresponsible excesses of the "frat" culture on college campuses.

    Fortunately, there are is reason for hope. The rules of the game, for one... the referee's judgement is rarely questioned, and there is a showboating rule. Rugby is very much a team game, and the institution of the post-match social is not so far gone that it cannot be redeemed. Suggestions: sportcoats, better beer, and a little bit of ceremony.

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