
Is Rugby a game for fat blokes who cant play football?

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Is Rugby a game for fat blokes who cant play football?




  1. Rugby is the most 'Dangerous Sport' in the Planet!

    In football you dont FEEL crunching tackles that break your bones, thuds that shake the root of your hair that you might think you have only minutes to live, players walking over you like a roller smoothing a tarmac, and injuries that will affect you for the rest of your life!

    Welcome to Rugby my Friend!

    We Play for the Love of the Game!

  2. No "football is a game for rough girls and beautiful boys" Oscar Wilde.

  3. Do you want to have a quiet death? so don't come in Paris tomorrow : you would be killed by the mob...

  4. Rugby is a game for real men, football is for wimps!! lol.  would love to see the look on a footie players face when placed in a scrum!!

  5. At ametuer level you may see a fair few roly polys due to the fact the only play for fun.At Premiership standard and international the are all supreme athletes who are much fitter and stronger than the 'poofballers'.

  6. I can see you need educating lol

    Rugby is a proper man's game (played by gentlemen), footie is for big girls blouses with big egos and a fetish for rolling around in other players' spit.

  7. totaly agree with you!

  8. I think you are thinking of darts.

  9. No, but football is a game for overacting "my leg hurts" wannabe hard rugby players.............your avatar says it all mate...........footie is for pretty boys who like pretty things and don't want to get hurt and make a fecking big meal of it when they get a soft touch from their opposite player and then bully the ref!!!!!!!!

  10. i dont know, but you have to question the motives of men grabbing hold of each other and rolling around in the mud! if they took their tops off first, then we might have a game! lol!

  11. In reality I dont know many (any?) footballers who would step foot on a rugby pitch so I would rephrase your question and say:

    Is football a game for nancy boys who are too scared to play a real mans game?....

  12. American Football is a game for fat blokes who can't play Soccer :)

    P.S. I play American football in the BCAFL league xD

  13. Rugby players are usually fitter and stronger than football players. But you are probably right that they can't play football, they have no idea how to fall over, harrass referees and spit at each other.

  14. Well some of the forwards are quite big but i wouldn't say they fat! Footballers are woosies and wouldn't last two mins in a rugby game they would run away from fright especially when they saw Jerry Collins running towards them at full speed!!

  15. I was actually going to answer this question, when something my mother once said came to mind: "You can never reason with an idiot".

  16. Football is a game for nancy boys! Rugby players are real men.

  17. no

  18. Rugby is a game for REAL men.

    Football (Soccer) is for f**s and Poofs

  19. Who can argue with Oscar Wilde?  But don't take his word or our word for it.  Get out there and play some rugby and you'll figure out pretty fast that its a fast game for fit people.

    P.S. - Oh, and rolling around on the pitch pretending to be hurt isn't part of the game.

  20. Rugby is a game for men who don't fall over clutching their shins every time an opponent come within spitting distance to them. Really, how often can you watch those poofs run around screaming "MY OVARIES HURT! MY OVARIES HURT!" before you watch a sport where the players are a little more manly, like hopscotch.

  21. I take it you are a football freak, RUGBY is the best contact sport in the world.

  22. nice 360 photo's mate! now i know what you look like all i need is your address so i can send my under 9's round to bounce you all over the!

  23. Haha Debra, that is an awesome quote - "You can never reason with an idiot" (and goodness me, I have tried).

    Your mother sounds like a very wise woman.

  24. I haven't seen any fat blokes playing rugby lately ITS ALL MUSCLE.  Football players are far too thin and would probably shite themselves if they came anywhere near a ruck or a scrum and have to go home to mummy.

  25. I've never seen a fat rugby player.

    Maybe you have your sports reversed?  ;)

  26. It used to be. Now they go for long hair, beards and tatoos and a fair bit of muscle. I think they are trying to tell us something!

  27. You are a misguided ****************************************...

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