
Is Rugby becoming too much like American Football?

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The area i am talking about is the will to have to be huge lumps of muscle to play these days with centres and wingers reguarly hitting 16stone now will this eventually drain all the flair, inginuity and spontanaity out of the game?!?!?




  1. No your not allowed to take steroids in rugby and you dont change your side to a group of fat cheeseburger munching twats from miami,  when your defending. Also you cant wimp out of tackles by wearing armour in rugby. American football is just like americans, F****** pointless,very annoying, and hated by the entire world apart from themselves who they love, but for some reason regularly shoot the **** out of themselves especially at school.

  2. is soccer becoming too much like football?

  3. yeah, I think they need to modify the rules to make it more like Aussie Rules...

    In fact exactly like Aussie Rules...

  4. Not at all - athletism developes over time...

    you'll have bigger, better, faster players...

    as long as theres no padding...the rest stays the same.

  5. I think so. Yes

  6. Do not confuse size with professionalism.  Professionals are getting bigger because they can afford to spend more time in the gym rather than the good old days of amateurs.

    Most rugby players are still pretty much the same range they have always been.

  7. Rugby is a professional game and the players earn huge salaries monthly. But as in any other sport there is a lot of competition. So if you are not the fastest, strongest or have the most ball skills you will not make the team nor generate an income. The new generation rugby players are bigger and faster but so is there opposition. So you cant just run over someone you still need the flair to site step or go around you're opposition.

  8. not a chance.

  9. no. americans are wussies, that is why they have all the pading, there is nothing like rugby believe me, i live in america but come from south africa and rugby still stays yhe best, maybe some rugby teams play like girls but not all of them.

  10. So Jonah Lomu isnt athletic????

  11. Heaven save us from that. Rugby is for the brave and powerful people.

  12. was about to say,well hmmnmm hit the nail on the head.

  13. American Football is rugby with padding.... I don't think so, well i hope not. For example the Irish teams hooker Peter Stringer is only about 12 stone. Fingers crossed that it stays as fab as it is now!

  14. Bigger ,Faster , Better.

    A good big un always beats a good small un !!!!!!

  15. yes

  16. No.

  17. No

  18. Not a chance, there is no way American footballers would play their sport without any padding..........

  19. kinda....

  20. hope not they play for three seconds then seems like have a break for half an hour

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