
Is Runescape for poor people?

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Is Runescape for poor people who can't afford, say, Diablo II or WoW?

Runescape is so boring...




  1. Why is Runescape so boring it's just the same as those two games and you just want to waste your money and you say that Runescape is boring. Do you know I'm not a poor person because I play Diablo II and World of Warcraft and I also pay to be a Runescape member too. Runescape is fun. Just like the other games.

  2. That is very rude.

    It's for everyone,same with every other game.

  3. That doesn't make sense at all ,lol . I could afford WoW but i think runescape is a much better game . Yeah ,you're right . Runescape's membership is cheaper than WoW monthly subscription but that is because jagex want to attract more people to join their membership and beside people make multiple account member .if i don't like WoW and i like runescape , i am cheap and poor ?  

  4. get a life  runescape a good game   and not everyone like Wow  where there nothing but trash and garbage who plays it scammers, cheaters , hackers , plus the bad language  if i wnat that i turn tv on and watch it       runescape doing just fine with out users liek you being there !

    plus  Wow and other game like it ripe you off first u buy the cd rom then pay to play it  whats with that and what happens if the site go down for good  :P

    Ps  if it was not for  your mom or dad paying for your Wow  online you would not be  playing it  now who poor lol

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