
Is Running On The TreadMill Healthy?

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ok so my family just got a tread mill and i started running on it.

And everytime im done with running and i get off i get alil dizzy and i get a headache. Is that normal for a beginner? Also i run for around 20 min.s i run fast then i kinda lower the speed and then go back goin fast. Is that Healthy? and i was wondering on the tread mill it reads 0.000 distance. Does that mean when it reaches 1.000 distance, it means i have ran 1 mile? And one more thing If i am able to run one mile on the treadmill, does it mean i can also run a mile like not on a treadmill like outside on foot?




  1. You get dizzy because as you run in place, your body gets used to that position, so when you get off, your mind plays tricks on you.

    Try taking a run outside, I can almost gurantee you won't feel as dizzy; you probably won't even feel dizzy at all. It's better to run outside anyway, you get some fresh air, a new look on nature, some quality oxygen (depending where you live), and most of all: the good ol' sun (vitamin c)

    When you lower your speed after 20 minutes- it's normal. Pretty soon you'll be able to run 30 minutes, than 40, than 50... You get the picture. But the tip is to be consistent; run when you don't want to run, that's the important aspect of improving cardio fitness.

    1.000 usually means 1 mile. So 3.000 would be a 5k run.

    1 mile on the treadmill isn't always the same as 1 mile outside. Depending on how you run, the treadmill has a steady incline (i.e flat), whereas outside, sometimes you have a little hills, inclines, etc. So running outside on foot, would be a better workout (unless you play with the incline on your treadmill)

    Try running outside for a bit. A lot of people get bored with the treadmill easily, and eventually give up running.

    Running is a solo lifestyle sport, so try to experience it not just on the treadmill, but outside as well. I know you'll love it!

    If your knees hurt, it could be a variety of sources. You might be wearing the wrong kind of shoes (which are VERY, VERY important. Make sure you're wearing specialized RUNNING shoes, don't run in basketball shoes, tennish shoes, or skater shoes), or the surface of the treadmill can be adding on to it (youll never know unless you run on different surfaces). Are you stretching? Make sure you have a good stretch plan going on, as this can prevent the pain, or in your case, ease it.

    You *might* also have runners knee, which is a beginners symtpon. Try to Ice it when you get a chance to ease the soreness.

    Welcome to running!!

  2. of course running is healthy... it's not that great for your knees though but make sure you wear proper shoes. 1.00 distance means you've run one mile and running on the tredmill is usually easier than running outside because the elevation is never flat outside. Raise the incline on the tredmill.

  3. you might feel dizzy because there isn't enough 'air flow'.  Try opening a window or something to let in some fresh air.  Running can't be 'unhealthy'

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