
Is Russell Crowe going to put Souths on eBay?

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i read a story he is so embarrassed by the little drummer boys he wants to sell the club




  1. No he doesn't have a paypal account!

  2. i hope you know that ebay only accepts objects that are of GOOD QUALITY and not worn out and dead.

  3. Russell Crowe is too passionate about the Bunnies to think of selling. This is a tribal thing ! Souths will regroup and review the player and coach roster, remove the dead wood and be contenders within five years.

  4. You aren't a bit funny, we've had enough of your c**p on this subject.

  5. U are a real class act, u wouldn't say any of these things to the faces of the people that u r bagging. U r clearly a weak prick that hides on the internet trying to upset people. Say any of the c**p that u have been going on about lately to Russell Crowe and I swear he will do more than throw a mobile phone at u. U know absolutely nothing and are obviously not a fan of rugby league and u probably have no friends either. LOSER

  6. Will you ever get a clue??? Cause its the same answer... NO.

    Crowe, while an egomaniac, has four things you seem devoid of... loyalty, club pride, intellect and a life. I'm guessing you are a Rabbitohs fan as you seem obsessed with them.

  7. Stop bagging them out, if you are bagging them out, why don't you try out managing a NRL club, or become a player, I would be interested to see that...

  8. Do you actually know anything about League or have you just read about the Rabbits in a newspaper and decided to sound big by asking a whole range of stupid questions about them? Are you a problem gambler and Russell Crowe has taken away your pokies?

  9. he probably will.i have been reported by some idiot and lose 9 points for a legitimate question.when will the rabbitohs get their first points?a that a bad question.he might as well sell it so every one can have a rabbit stew for the weekend.they probably wont be on the tv no more,for the maych of the round on 9.gee i feel sorry for all the rabbitohs fans.

  10. I don't think he will, he's really into the team.

  11. Ummmmm...... NO ! ! ! ! ! ! !

  12. He will swap them for a mobile phone to throw at somebody

  13. No coz russel crow loves his bunnies unconditonally like a true supporter..

    ♥ Storm Girl ♥

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