
Is Russia a Communist dictatorship or a Capitalist democracy?

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Is Russia a Communist dictatorship or a Capitalist democracy?




  1. Capitalist democracy (but it might as well be a one party system).

  2. It's a capitalistic dictatorship.

  3. A little of everything I guess. Just like here^^

  4. It is a Federal semi-presidential republic meaning the president and prime minster are both controlling day to day matters which would be Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin respectively. They are far from communist dictatorship in that they have the same three branch as the United States

  5. I'll have to say a Capitalist Dictatorship. Things are still pretty shady about their elections, what with people disappearing and such.

  6. A capitalist democracy.. sort of... with a leadership that would really like it to be a communist dictatorship again.

  7. Capitalist democracy

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