
Is Russia a bully by events today?

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In your opinion, are Russia bullying others that are weaker than them? they have bullied others in the past and still doing it

first Chechya, Afghanistan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, uzbekistan, basically all the stans. Now they are doing it to Georgia

And why doesnt the US step in with military might to stop Georgia from getting attacked




  1. Simply answer, "No" . I am not going to elaborate on it anymore than this. I am not a fan of Russia, but they have every right to do what they are currently doing.  

  2. No more than The USA..

  3. It's not Russia that is the problem but the USA and Israel. Again !!

    It’s beginning to look like the whole thing is US and Israeli inspired.

    Georgia, the ex-Soviet province, now is a member of NATO. The West is bound to protect NATO members. Georgia just attacked its own breakaway province of Ossetia, which has aligned itself with Mother Russia, despite Ossetia’s being guaranteed independence since 1992. Russia has responded with a military incursion of its own that could possibly be expected to include all of Georgia.

    Was this orchestrated at this strategic time by the USA & Israel to occupy and distract the world and Russia from an Iranian invasion? Time will tell !

  4. This may not answer your question, but please just bear in mind that you should refer to the exact ones responsible for the action you're talking about. It isn't all of Russia, but the Russian government or perhaps the president you may be referring to. People in the nation are not always responsible for the way a nation acts as a whole, so whenever a nation gets a bad rap, the people are instantly branded and hated. It's just not right.

  5. russia is no more disgusting and being a mad bully than the usa has since g dubya bush robbed the electorate 8 years ago  

  6. well hang on, when Georgia wanted to break from Russia we all said yes let them its called freedom of choice.

    but now there is a part of Georgia that wants to get back in bed with Russia and Georgia are saying no you must stay with us, I'm sorry but ain't that a bit two faced ??

  7. Let me ask you where you did hear about Russia bullying "others", especially Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan? Never heard of that, really.

    Secondly, Chechya - is an imaginary state. I know about Chechnia but it is still a part of Russia, like New York is part of the USA. I wonder what the US authorities would do if New York rebelled and wanted to leave the US? Oh, I know. Something like that happened during the Civil War. The very same thing happened in Russia with Chechnia.

    Now about Georgia. I remember some state attacked US military base Pearl Harbor. Do you remember what the US did after that? They nuked that state. So, what should Russia do with Georgia?  

  8. USA and UK

    Did they not go to war with Afghanistan and Iraq.

    NATO(France, USA, UK, etc) and Russia will not dare go to war with each other both sides know they cant win.

  9. Well Russia is trying to assert their power in the region so their trying to force Georgia into becoming a compliant state through military intervention in Georgia’s internal affairs. Ex; Supporting their separatist state with Military aircraft, supplies, weapons, Tanks, Missiles, Logistical aid, and of course money and political support. These are of course showing Russia being the bully to Tiny Georgia. Georgia didn’t even attack Russia just one of its own rebelling provinces which Russia is basically controlling as a proxy state within Georgia. They are also attacking Georgia to stop any chance of them Joining Nato in the future as well as attacking Georgia to show that it’s not afraid to use its imperial might to advance its interests. Their pissed over Kosovo as well because we recognized it so this is also a warning to the US and the west as a whole

    Why won’t the US help -1 We Want Russians Help with Iran. So we are sacrificing a good friend for political support of Russia in Iran. 2 nothing we can do short of going to war with Russia and that is totally against our current self interest. 3. We can’t get UN peace keepers through the Un to help Georgia because Russia has a veto vote on the security council so nothing Internationally can be done their. 4. We want to be on Russia good side next time we need a favor like the one with Iran.  5. Our national interests are focused on the middle east right now not Russia (not saying it’s a bad thing or a good thing just the fact of the matter).

    It’s a sad day when fellow free men are put under the Yoke of tyranny

  10. yes and we better keep our nose out of their mess

  11. you bet ye they are.

  12. The US is bogged down in Iraq and afghanistan and its economy is in ruin. Russia and China are the new school bullys. :)

  13. Georgia started it and killed thousands.Guess the blame lies squarely with them.Georgia thought the West would rush to their aid if Russia stepped in to help the Ossettians.Might pull their horns in a bit now they know the west ain't quite so willing.

  14. do even have any f-ng idea about what's going on there???

    Georgia attacked Osetia, killed over 1000 people in one night (and and another 1000 in next 2 days), all of them innocent civillians, completelyy destroyed their homes . not even mentioning starting fire at Russian peacemaker troops.

    and now when Russia is helping Osetia push Georgiaa back, giving victims shelter, medical help and food, it's called aggressorr? do u know that georgian military is shooting at the buses with Osetian children, that Russian military is trying to transport in a safe place?

    yes, Russia is bombing Georgian military bases, but don't u think they deserve it?  when America bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WW2, nobody said it was wrong, coz it stopped Japan. well, now Russia is doing exactly the same thing and gets blamed for it. WTF???

    so do a little research before u post quetions like that, ignorent idiot

  15. I admit to not been a fan of the Russian gov, but when the Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has made a formal declaration of war against Russia like he did, can you really class them as bully's when someone has declared war on them :)

  16. But they are better than the U.S.A.

  17. No more so than the USA or UK

  18. Of course it is a bully for taking disproportionate action against Georgia. It was just waiting for an opportunity to decimate Georgia and to see how the rest of the world reacts. It proves that you cannot trust the Russians.

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