
Is Russia at war with Georgia?

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Has Georgia or Russia formally declared war on each other>




  1. Yes. In the meanwhile they've declared a cease fire.

    It's probably over for the moment(which is a good thing - it could have got out of hand)

  2. The evening news should have the answer your looking for.

  3. Yes, they are in war with each other

  4. Yes. It is a war. However they are still in a legal state of war, but in a cease fire. No peace agreement or surrender has been reached. Kind of like the USA/South Korea and North Korea. We are still at war just in cease fire being no peace agreement or surrender was reached.  

  5. er...

  6. Yes, Watch CNN they have video of the war its horrible, Russia bombing civilian homes  

  7. I don't think so.

  8. no why?

  9. yea

  10. sadly it is so;...

  11. No. It's not a "war" simply just terrorist attacks from Russia on Georgia.

  12. wheres georgia

  13. yes and no.

    they have said they are in a war like fight so technically yes.

    but i do not think they have formally declared war. so no.


  14. no they just stopped fighting with each other

  15. I don't think so.;...

  16. Georgia declared they are in a state of war with Russia...........i'd take that as a yes they are at war

  17. i dont think its war but lots of people have been killed and its really sad...

  18. Not technically but physically,yea.

  19. do you know how to read?

  20. ummm...not that I know of.

  21. Watch the news or check out or any other news site!! Or Yahoo News!!!

    Can't believe you had to ask that question on here!!!

  22. Georgia sure did. I heard Saakashvili told that personally on the news. I haven't heard that from Russian side.

  23. I hope so!

    Those southern rednecks need a good arsekicking!!!

    They should go after Alabama next!!!

  24. From the looks of it, they conquer Georgia already after killing & injuring hundreds of people. So i would say yes.

  25. Yes, this statement is true, unfortunately. I am sorry to say that this great world is now once again at war within their own vicinity. I wish the most of peace for friends and family of those who are included in this horrible war.

  26. lol..what do YOU think...?


  27. emm .. . . well. . . . georgia is a state and therefore cannot declare war or go to war by itself . . .

  28. umm  

  29. The answer is not Errr , I think so...etc

    It is: NO. President of Russian Saakashvilihas just declared a halt on the advancing of troops into territory Georgia declaring they have no interest in overturning the President of Georgia or to take over it.

    Georgia has a mere 25,000 troops comparing to 90,000 troops in South Ossentia. 9 combat jets compared to 360 of Russia, 78 tanks to 280 tanks Russia.

    This move has just been initiated after the U.S going to hold peace talk and threatened to move Battle Vessels into Russia along with France and Britain to see the end of the conflicts between Russia and Georgia. This news was just on this morning.

  30. Yes, and Georgia is asking for the US to help them. It's because of oil.

  31. What's happening there hardly qualifies as a war, it's more like child abuse, Georgia never had a chance and is simply getting beaten up by a bigger, stronger, bully.

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