
Is Russia going to overthrow and occupy Georgia?

by Guest63205  |  earlier

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Or do you think they'll leave when they're done? Peace!




  1. id say yes sorry mate there communists like china

  2. They have punished Georgia for what they did, they will not occupy. That's the job of the U.S.

  3. They will occupy a good deal of the countryside, at least the main roads and the pipeline. They definitely wont occupy the cities nor attempt to rebuild or manage anything else.

  4. well if there butt is clean then no.

  5. They will leave when they r done...they really don't have much use for it.

  6. Well today, they denied the ceasfire, so I'm guessing this won't end anytime soon.

  7. They are not in Georgia! Sheesh!

    They are in South Ossetia, which is a autonomous republic in Caucasus.

    They have been there as peacekeepers ( with OSCE ) oversight since 1992. South Ossetia was not a part of Georgia ever. When Stalin conquered that area he forced the Ossetians to be part of an administrative "district" with the Georgians. They and the georgians broke off from the USSR in the late 1980's...South Ossetia refused to be part of Georgia and never was. They signed a treaty in 1992 to remain separate and have for the last 17 years. since then they have tried to be recognized as a free state.

    For some reason the US votes it down in the UN. recently the US and Israel have been arming Georgia and there were Israeli commandos in Georgia when they attacked the tiny country of S.Ossetia a couple weeks ago. The US wants to build more pipelines there and missile bases. Take a wild *** guess who was behind Georgia attacking their neighbors after 17 years of peace. (PS... Both Karl Rove and Condi Rice met with the brutal "President" of Georgia Saakashvili last month...    

  8. Russia will stay. They know that the West will not do anything.

    America has too much on their plate now to get involved with Russia. This is also in retaliation about the missiles in Czech Republic and Poland.

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