
Is Russia had achieved their objective of punishing Georgia ?

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Is Russia had achieved their objective of punishing Georgia ?




  1. I think their goal is: annex that puny piece of land.

  2. Yes, that idiot Georgia president has been punished fairly. Now, like a crying baby, he is asking its Uncle Sam to help him to revenge. The next a few days will be very interesting to watch to find out how Uncle Sam is going to get its military forces into Gerogia under the curtain of "Humatarian Aid". Russia is not stupid and will not give in so easily to Uncle Sam. Another front line will be how Iran is going to make noise to distract Uncle Sam's attention.

  3. no they want the whole enchilada.

  4. Pretty much, even according to the Russian president himself. Russian president even told his army to eliminate any resistance if provoked.

    Russia has achieved its objectives;

    - Punish Georgia

    - Deter other countries

    - Send a clear message to US

  5. yes. thiy kicked them out of ossetia and stopped genocide. georgian army suffered serious loses so it is not ably to attack anyone anymore

  6. The Georgian president mikhel saakashvili is the american supported president.  Because the Georgian forces entered in south ossestia, and the south ossestia people always with the Russia and Russia to save the people entered into conflic making the georgian to run back. one thing we have to see that Saakashvili, the president of Georgia is a famously volatile risk taker, veering between war-monger and peacemaker, democrat and autocrat.  on several occasions international officials have pulled him back from the brink.  On a visit to washington in 2004, he received a tongue-lashing from then secretary of state colin powell, who told him to act with restraint.  Two months ago, he could have triggered a war with his other breakaway province of Abkhazia by calling for the expulsion of russian peacekeepers from there, but European diplomats persuaded him to step back. Yes, Russia really achieved.

  7. russia has definitely made their point. something like this is harder to stop than it is to start.  

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