When you see http://uk.news.yahoo.com/rtrs/20080816/tpl-uk-georgia-ossetia-81f3b62.html it would appear RUSSIA actually is just looking for reasons to conflict with the US. Although I believe a missile base in Poland is a copy of the old Cuban Missile Crisis (you would think we had learned by the last time nuke silos next to super powers is just PLAIN STUPID). However, with Russia's actions in Ossetia is it really any surprise nearly all of East Europe wants to join the EU and US against their oppression? If were me, I'd be far happier working with the EU and east europe as good future clients of Russian resources instead Russia takes a stance, either with or against. I think as much as the West is trying to be peaceful Russia actually hopes for a conflict with US troops in east Europe. Sad it is, but Russia appears to have no interest in cooperation or peace they want WAR.