
Is Russia potentially one of the most dangerous countries in the world?

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Or is much of it sabre rattling? This is especially with the half-baked comment in mind of some Russian general saying they will "nuke Poland" because of the anti-missile barrier being installed there with the help of the USA.




  1. Probably second only to America.Mainly because either could destroy this planet with their nuclear arsenals but mostly because they have opposing agendas and don't care who gets in the way.

  2. Yes, look at that nut they've got in power. Just as bad as the USA. Help!

  3. yes, they could kill the world with nukes. Think of all the little bunny rabbits.

  4. At this current moment it is US that is the most dangerous country, high jacked by neo-cons, who are bent on modern imperialism. Iraq war was orchestrated by these nitwits, deprived of any sense of realism. The project of neutralizing Russia had been started by Cheney soon after the collapse of USSR. Only now neo-cons have a platform to implement their agendas.

    You're forgetting it is US that is unilaterally trying to increase its sphere of influence any means necessary. It was Georgia backed by US that deliberately provoked Russia. It is US that is deliberately trying to provoke a second cold war.

    Last year in Munich Putin warned the world about American Hyperpower. Even McCain and defense secretary Robert Gates were there. Putin firmly said;

    "What is a unipolar world? It refers to one type of situation, one centre of authority, one centre of force, one centre of decision-making. It is world in which there is one master, one sovereign. This is pernicious ... unacceptable ... impossible."

    This week Turkish president , a key Bush ally said, US should be willing to share power than acting unilaterally. That US should work with others to find solutions.

    So it is US that is trying to encircle Russia, trying to undermine Russia, trying to put a defense shield in Poland etc, and this is without a doubt dangerous and provocative. There is no need to start another cold war.

    Russia did stay out for a while just this week Russia said enough is enough. It is US that invaded Iraq remember, alienated European allies. Trying to start another war against Iran. So currently the opinion is unanimous that US is the greatest threat.

    Russia actually isn't even a great threat, to survive Russia needs Europe on its side. Russia just simply isn't willing to take it lying down. One of the main US reasons to encircle and neutralize Russia, isn't just due to Russia, but to encircle next emerging superpower 'China'.

    Within next decade China will emerge and at a position to challenge US and protect its own interests.  

  5. It's sabre rattling, mainly.  If Russia really did nuke Poland then they'd get nuked back, as they well know.  Russia isn't that dangerous, but its leader is a pain in the @rse.  He is a bully, but like all bullies, he knows not to pick a fight he can't win.

  6. russia is not as dangerous because they do not have a lot of allies

    china is much more dangerous because they could cripple our economy in seconds if they wanted to

    in a globalized society a country can do a lot more harm using non violence because if they use violence they get a negative reaction from every other country

  7. Russia is a very powerful country from several perspectives.  It has a huge military force, which may be somewhat outdated, but what it lacks in technology, it makes up for in numbers - that's been the way it has operated for years.

    They have a leader - ie Putin [sorry Mr Medvedev, but we know who is really in charge] - who is determined to show just how strong he can be.  He rarely backs down

    Russia supplies most of the energy to both East and Western Europe.  Forget threats of nuclear weapons, all they need to do is to turn off a few valves and most of Europe is left in the cold and without gas and oil to manufacture goods or power transportation.  But they have nuclear weapons as well.

    The thing that scares me is that so few people seen to realise just how much power Russia controls.

  8. It's probably one of the most powerful along with America.  Sure, they're not as advanced as America, but their size makes up for it (or a nuclear weapon; either one).

  9. If it is don't tell Bush or there'll be another war. America is even more dangerous.

  10. Well with a dictator now in power and the invasion of a small helpless former soviet republic and a threat to nuke Poland for installing missiles not even intended to defend against Russia, you never know. . .  

  11. The population is definitely becoming more nationalistic and paranoid which doesn't bode well. Internally the laws haven't been improved much since the fall of the USSR so the mafia is powerful. My brother opened an extension of his business there, once successful he was offered the equivalent of about £50 for offer he couldn't refuse. I'd say it's dangerous in many respects. The leader doesn't even run the country, Putin still does.

  12. The phrase ' Don't wake the Russian bear' has been around for centuries for good reason.  

    Georgia, Europe and the US have been taking the michael - what did they expect to happen?  Personally I like Putin and I can even pronounce Medvedev's name, unlike Bush, did they think that they could push Russia about forever?  

    Russia was and is a great power and from what I can see Russia was pushed into this.      

  13. Most of the Russian armed forces still haven't been paid properly since about 1987.

    Corruption is rife throughout the highest levels of government.

    The Russian War machine is largely outdated with most nuclear sites either abandoned, crumbling away or run down to a tragic state.

    Not to mention the navy which has been running at 5% effectivenes since the early 90's as a cost saving excercise, with many ships abandoned and rusting away in harbours.  

    Based on the fact that the once legendary soviet national pride amongst the military is now somewhat obsolete this war could be won by financial sway rather than military power.

  14. To compare america to being as dangerous as russia is utter stupidity,and just a cheap way of spreading propaganda.The lunatic hotheads that run russia are only being restrained by the knowledge that they might in the ultimate have to deal with america.Apart from the nukes,the russians are in no position to be challenging america,as their weaponry is still in 1950s technology.Europe as usual is sticking it's head in the sand and hoping it will all go away.Shades of neville chamberlain 1939.Russia cannot afford in money to be pushing their bravado against america,and also cannot afford to be involved in something they would swiftly lose,as this means that all the dozens of provinces that are kept as part of russia by force, would seize their opportunity to at last get their freedom

  15. Political minds but not Russian citizens. Besides perhaps Polish citizens and Russian citizens can send a message by demolition of major airports to stop Global Warming. Lack of capacity to communicate also makes things dangerous for all citizens or to make Leaders anywhere refrain from wars. If I may will include a cartoon message portraying Bush it says thiS:''Pardon me I cannot hear you I have a missile shield in My ear''. Sums up nicely don't you think.

  16. Russia is a cute harmless puppy compared to America

  17. Russia is one of the most dangerous countries in the world because it has a massive amount of nuclear missiles in its arsenal. They're also dangerous because alot of these missiles and bombs went missing during the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    Sabre Rattling? They were responding to an attack on their citizens by Georgia in an area which is primarily Russian and doesn't WANT to be owned by Georgia.

    Russia probably thinks it's unfair that the US is setting up a missile shield so close to its country. Although it's -supposedly- for Iran, you can expect the Russians to pop one up somewhere close to the US sometime soon. Probably Cuba.

    For more information, see:

    Why are we taught history if nobody learns from it?

  18. Well, i guess you can say there the most dangerous, but if they do accually decide to nuke Poland their going to get attacked by tons of people that most likely, Russia will no longer be Russia.

  19. Actually- GEORGIA is ?! Why? Because everyone KNOWS (or they SHOULD), that Russia is one of the top 5 most POWERFUL Countries in the World... And if a tiny, little Country like Georgia can Deliberately be the "spark" that sets a BIG Country like Russia "off", -then it's the Weaker Countries we need to keep an eye on !  :0

  20. Living up here in Canada and checking the world news every day, I have to say that the USA scares the bejesus out of me.  Currently, your nation is definitely the most dangerous country in the world. Your government and your mainstream press are the biggest liars since the n**i regime.  Your industrial military complex is running the show and peace in the world seems to be the last thing on their minds. If you want the real story on the Russia/Georgian conflict and the situation in Poland, check out this website.

    In the meantime, chill out!

  21. Yes, almost as dangerous as th US

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