
Is Russia pulling the classic n**i invasion?

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Take a little here, take a little there. America doesn't want yet another war esp. with a country that can really fight back. And the best part is, is that Russia in a technical way can do some of what it's doing. Peace keepers, NATO, UN it just adds to the confusion.




  1. I'm confused with the whole lot but it s pretty weak of russia to act all big to a tiny lil country, and they're president is almost a Pedrophile lol

    but there has already been peacekeepers killed or so they say, they blamingmeing 1 another it's so annoying,

    russia wont risk taking on the rest of the world, coz if the UN want to stop the fighting with force then America, Australia and England will be first up with peace keepers

  2. WHAT?

    Georgia started a war with South Ossetia, Russia stepped into help, and you are comparing that to Nazism?

    When did the n***s come to the aide of any of their neighbors from foreign invaders.


  3. The classic n**i invasion is rather invading Middle East states one by one.

    Georgian conflict is an interest crush of the US and Russia, as this area is strategically important to both. Osetia is driven by Russia, Georgia by the US. But Russia can afford to get in, politically and economically, and the US can't in either way.

  4. No, Russia is merely flexing its muscle for all the world to see, Bush although the worst leader and the stupidest in the history of the world, I don't tend to think he will challenge Russia, a country that is more advanced than we are, who outnumbers our military, whose time has come to be the true Super Power of the world. I think it would spell doom for all of the USA, to get involved in a conflict with Russia. I am glad I speak Russian.  

  5. classic invasion in 21st century, wow! makes me wanna cry

  6. Russia is less strong than you think.... Georgian Army almost win the battle....

    But the war against USA and Russia should be avoided and will be avoided Russians are ver silly but they know that they shouldn't fight with USA.....

    Georgia now wonts political support than military.... Russians should leave georgia.... the aren't peacekeepers now it's already clear for everyone....

    they use both ossetians and abkhaths to conquer georgia.....

  7. yeh i think

  8. A typical n**i-type attack is to find (or create) a minor excuse to exterminate the opponents. They staged burning of the Reichstag to exterminate the political rivals, a skirmish at the Polish border to occupy the country and use a killing of a n**i diplomat to kick-start extermination of Jews. This is the pattern of behavior of the Georgian president. He first suppressed opposition in his own country, and then used some minor skirmishes with the Ossetians to nearly exterminate this ethnic minority. His troops completely destroyed the Ossetian towns and burned their villages to the ground. If not for the Russian intervention, there would be no Ossetians left alive in South Ossetia. One can debate the Russian motifs (their army has had an agreed-upon peacekeeping mission in the region; their citizens have been slaughtered, etc), but just think how many millions would have been saved from German atrocities if someone showed as much resolve to protect minorities then as Russia is showing now. For comparison, Dutch and other troops in the Balkans, who were charged with peacekeeping there, simply watched as massacre after massacre occurred. If Dutch were to stop Serbs from committing the massacre at Srebrenica, would someone call Dutch “Nazis”?

    So, the short answer is NO. If you don’t believe, ask the Ossetians whose families have been gunned down or simply driven upon by Georgian tanks.

  9. It would be better if you started reading the news and know the real facts before posing such a question. If I would ask you, who started the conflict that is now happening in Georgia?. The Russians didn't start it. It was started by Georgia's president who sent his army to attack the province of Osetia, killing thousands of civilians (many of whom had Russian passports) and many Russian peacekeepers. What do you expect Russia's response should be?. Just do nothing?. If the victims happened to be American citizens, what do you expect America should do?.

    The US invaded Afghanistan as a response to the 9/11 attack that killed 3,000 Americans. But I bet you wouldn't be calling the US invasion of Afghanistan as a classic n**i style invasion.

  10. The UN never seems to react in time for any major problem. They are sleep keepers. The vetoes are always applied to block any resolution. Turkey however is a nearby neighbour that could help out Georgia. Georgians will also have to fight back and get the military help from Nato countries if diplomacy fails and quickly. Russia wants to show it's power to these people because they have opted out of the Poutine communist regime. Toss him out of the G8

  11. Now that we may need our military resources, they are stuck in Iraq for "100 years".

  12. probably

    they are still the evil empire

    south ossetia is a state within the borders of the republic of georgia

    look it up

  13. All what I can say is that we, Bolsheviks, love crisis.

    Foreclosures, layoffs, bankruptcies, bank runs, inflation,... What else can we wish?

    Btw, USA is epicenter of the world crisis.Another sign of the agony of Capitalism.

    Dont cry for me Argenti..... Oops! Dont cry for me USA!



  14. Yes, that is exactly what they are doing.  I never did trust that sonofabitch, putin.

  15. The n***s were interested in taking over the world and attempted to do so in a big way, with more than one country at a time.

    The Russians were only interested in creating the bloc to defend themselves.  There's a big tactical difference there.

    If the Russians were truly interested in taking over the world like the n***s, they wouldn't be focused on only one tiny area--they would be all over the map, staging invasions that had been years in planning.

  16. Have you understood what you said? Russia stopped n**i Germany. Nazists killed 21 million russian people. But russian army must help osetians in fight for freedom.

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