
Is Russia racist with Kazachstan, or very integrated?

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Are Russians racist or integrated with kazachstan/mongolia? I'm wondering because I met a russian group the other day, with people from Russia and Kazachstan - very mixed and integrated, as if they were from the same place. But how is this possible when Russians are well known for being extremely racist against everyone but slavic people (especially blacks and chinese)?

Whats the deal with Russians and Mongolians as well?




  1. Of course not all Russian people are racists, there are many neonazis there but that doesn't mean anything. As for Kazakhstan, there is a large Russian minority there. Russians and Kazakhs grow up together, so the probably have close relations.  

  2. Most Kazaks have been Russianized after living a long time under Soviet rule, not to mention the influence of the Russian Empire before that. As a result, the original Turkic Kazak culture has been nearly destroyed, so is, as one might easily expect, their ties with their own religion, Islam. If they are Russianized, 'integration' is nothing to brag about. Still, most racist attacks target people from the Central Asian republics. The important question is how well are the subcultures who do not share Russian values are tolerated in Russia?

    Besides, no matter how much you integrate yourself in a culture, you can't get rid of your slanted eyes.

  3. Russia and Kazakhstan have always and will always be close. People from both countries are so intertwined that you'll never be able to separate the cultures, even though these are 2 separate countries.

    As for Mongolians, Russia is not against them, they immigrate to Russia and live their normal lives. They're not nearly as close as Kazakhstan.

    Oh and by the way, Russia is not racist against the Chinese, in fact they're also very close. The easter side of Russia has many Chinese immigrants. In fact when the earthquake happened, Russia was the first country to come to China's aid, providing help, food and etc. Russia also welcomed over 100 children to Russia for a vacation as a way to help them get over the trauma and think of something else.

  4. Not all Russians are racist towards other races.

    Of course, Russians are proud with their culture, history etc. but that doesn't make every single Russians are racist and have hatred towards other people who aren't Russian or Slavic.

    In Russia, there are plenty of other Asian people because most of Russia, especially Siberia region is near the Central Asian countries (also used to be Ex-USSR countries like Kazakhstan,Uzbekistan etc.) and East Asia (China, North Korea, Mongolia etc). This area consists of Russians, Ukrainians and other Asians like Chinese, Korean, Mongolian etc descents who lives side by side every day. Since the Russians and all other races has been living with each other for so long, they don't feel as if they are other races, but Russians that has a different backgrounds.

    As for racism, it's everywhere, not just in Russia. But, all parts of the world.

  5. Never mind.

    russian says: "Scratch a Russian, find a Tatar"

    Rumours of racism in Russia greatly exaggerated.

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