
Is Russia trying to bring back soviet union ?

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Why are they still in Georgia when the US and Nato said get out?




  1.   I seriously doubt if they want to bring back the old Soviet Union, as it was too costly to maintain, and just why in the h**l should they even start to obey or listen to orders from either the US or Nato?

      We don't listen to Nato, and try to block all attempts of Nato to curtail the actions and atrocities committed by Israel by means of our veto power, and we are not, repeat, are not the worlds police force and our orders have no bearing on the actions of Russia.

      In case you haven't heard, we are still in Iraq.

  2. Hey! let's re-wind here a little! Georgia attacked Russian territory first! I understand, so when Russia repulsed the Georgian military machine and drove them back and over their own borders you think Russia is to blame? I'm not so sure!

  3. Because Russia doesn't have to answer to the US and Nato with having the world's largest standing army?

    Plus, Georgia started the attack on South Ossetia, Russia is just getting even, and showing that Georgia can't do whatever it wants because it has so-called "US Backing"  

  4. Yes, they are.  Putin had been doing it the whole time he was in office, being ex-KGB and all, he has been brainwashed into the whole "Mother Russia" must be strong for "Soviet Union!".  And now that he has taken a back seat to Medvedev, he still controls him as a puppet.

    Then, couple that with the billions of $$ they are getting in natural gas and oil shipments nowadays, they have more money than ever.  They've already started back up their Blackjack bomber production lines(the ones that copied our B-1B Lancer bombers) in an attempt to create more/newer ones.


    Wheeliebin needs to read a map.  South Ossetia is in fact within Georgian borders and is NOT part of Russian territory.

    The 2008 South Ossetia war formally began on August 7, 2008 with a military attack by Georgia into South Ossetia, one of two provinces which had declared independence sixteen years previously in 1992, although neither province's sovereignty had been recognized internationally.   Russian armed forces quickly responded with a large scale counter-attack into South Ossetia, also advancing to a significant extent into provinces of Georgia outside South Ossetia.

    So, Georgia attacked part of their own country(Much like what Russia has done to Chechnya) that wants their independence and Russia invaded all of Georgia.

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