
Is Russian roulette really risky?

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The new American ambassador was being entertained by an African diplomat. They had spent the day discussing the progress the country had made with the Russians before kicking them out.

"They built us a power plant, an airport, and taught us how to drink vodka and play Russian roulette."

The ambassador looked pained and said, "Russian roulette is a dangerous game."

"Right, that's why we invented African roulette; would you like to play?"

"I'm not sure, how does it work?"

The African clapped his hands and six gorgeous black women, all nude, came wiggling in.

"Choose the one you want to give you oral s*x."

"That's a lot better and less risky than Russian roulette..."

"Even knowing one of them is a cannibal?."




  1. yes

  2. now thats a new one on me lovd it cheers mate  

  3. Things that make you say  hmmmm

  4. haha that's kind of funny

    but yes russian roulette is REALLY dangerous,

    you put one bullet in the gun, spin the barrel and put the gun to your head and shoot. If you're lucky, the bullet is in a different spot than the one registered to blow your brains out

  5. LOL thats it funny and it makes more sense to play then russian roulette

  6. lmao no try it its  easy played it plenty of times

  7. LMFAO!!

  8. I'd rather play with a gun that fires naked ladies at me...

  9. Well only if you mind dying lol ... African roulette doesn't sound as bad but then again I wouldn't want to live after being attacked by the cannibal girl

  10. Lol that's funny

  11. HaHa  Very funny

  12. love it!!!!!!!

  13. Wow lol that's funny but Russian roulette is actually really dangerous. I was playing with my friend and I loaded all the chambers except for one. I pulled the trigger, and wouldn't you know it I lived!

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