
Is Ryan Braun living in A-Rods shadow too much?

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Seems like it to me.




  1. I agree Braun doesnt compare to Aroid.  Braun is MUCH MUCH better than that classless, non-clutch filth magnet.

  2. no, he hasn't hit 500 homers and never will, 250 maybe for Braun

  3. I can name several players that are better than Braun, but not as good as A-Rod. I'm assuming you like the Brewers, because it is ridiculous to even compare Braun to A-Rod. I'm not even being a biased Yankee fan. I like the Phillies, so I have no hard feelings for the Brew cru and no love for the Yanks. I'm just telling you how I see it.  

  4. This question made me laugh, Braun doesn't even compare to Alex Rodriguez

    EDIT- Like Braun is an Innocent kid, that guy is cocky as heck , he stand and admires his Hr the times i have seen him, and well he is not a good defensive 3rd baseman that's why he went to the Outfield

    simple until the guy can produce those same #'s consistently come talk to me

  5. He hasn't been in the league long enough to be compared or in the same class as A- Rod . Get real he 's been playing two years , compare him to others that have been in the league as long as him , that would be a better measureing stick baseball fan .

  6. Nope....

  7. A-Rod is better.  Braun isn't even the best 3B in the NL - or even 2nd best.  Chipper Jones and David Wright are both better than Braun, and A-Rod is the best 3B in baseball.

    By the time A-Rod was Ryan Braun's age he had already played in four All-Star games and won four silver sluggers.  Braun just played in his first all-star game and won't win a silver slugger until Wright and Chipper slow down or leave the NL.

    Not only has A-Rod done more, but he is better now.  Over the last two seasons, A-Rod has a higher batting average, OBP, SLG, more homers, RBIs, runs and stolen bases.

    People fall in love with a young player like Ryan Braun who has an off chance of hitting 600 homers in his career, but the fact is A-Rod will hit his 600th homer before he even turns 35.  You can't touch that.

  8. You can't compare Ryan Braun to A-Rod, on account that A-Rod has been playing much longer. I've also never heard Ryan Braun compared to A-Rod. Braun better start putting up A-Rod type numbers if he wants to get outta that shadow.

  9. NO

  10. No...

    Ryan Braun doesn't use steroids.

    EDIT:  lol...Did someone seriously just say that Braun will only hit 250 homers?  What an idiot...

    YFFL:  I don't mean to start any arguments or anything, but your saying that BRAUN stands and admires his homers?  Have you EVER seen A-Rod?  He's 100 times more cocky than Braun will ever be.

  11. What the h**l? How? I see no way he shadows him.

  12. Braun will be better

  13. Living in A-Rod's shadow???

    A-Rod was the best SS in the league, then moved to 3B because the Yankees think they already have God playing short for them.

    Braun was a 3B, then got moved to the OF because he was terrible defensively. Nice offensive numbers he's put up, but by your rationale, then Pujols and many other great offensive players are all living in A-Rod's shadow just because their careers started after his.

    I just don't see any connection between the two, and have heard little if any comparisons between them that would make you think this in the first place.

  14. No.  Ryan Braun and Alex Rodriguez don't belong in the same sentence together.  The guys been in the league 2 years and we're already comparing him to A-Rod.  Are you nuts?  

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